Library News August 2021

Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries: August 2021 featured events and programs
Find event calendars, storytime schedules and more at the library website.
Second Edition Resale

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 10 am-4 pm
More days! More hours! More merchandise! We are back inside the full shop three days a week! Masks required.
For the most up-to-date information, check out our Instagram @SecondEditionResale. Or find updates on the library website! All proceeds from your purchases made at Second Edition Resale support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries.
Follow @SecondEditionResale on Facebook and Instagram.
For Kids
Find details and more fun for kids at the Kids’ page.
Marta’s Farewell Storytime
Saturday, August 7, 9 am, outdoors, all ages.
Librarian Marta is moving back to Poland. Join Marta and Jenny for some of their favorite stories! Bring a lawn chair for this outdoor storytime.
Marta Wolczynska has been performing live storytelling at Cedar Mill Library for 20 years. In that time, she’s gained countless fans. Those fans will get a chance to enjoy one last storytime a before Marta moves back to Poland in the fall.
Local patrons of all ages have fond memories of Marta as she’s performed over 1000 storytimes for children and close to 100 Oregon Battle of the Books practice programs for kids and teens. She regularly receives fan mail in the form of drawings made by kids and thank you letters from grateful parents.
Marta says “I measured my success in smiles… and laughter! With each I felt the joy of being a librarian over and over again. Watching my storytime kids grow up was a highlight of my career here. I will never forget them.”
The storytime will take place outdoors, in front of Cedar Mill Library. Attendees are asked to bring a lawn chair.
The library will be collecting Tribute donations in honor of Marta. Donated funds will be directed to the Youth Services Department at Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries. Tribute donations can also be made on the libraries’ website.
Kids Grab and Go Crafts
Mondays, August 9, 16. Library hours, both libraries.
Pick up a craft at either library, while supplies last.
Summer Storytimes
See listings here.
Pre-Recorded Storytimes
Wednesdays, 10:30 am, via Facebook and YouTube.
Summer Storytime with Julie, Nicole or Steve
Thursdays: Draw and Tell Stories with Marta
Live Interactive Storytime
Tuesday, August 3, 10:30 am, via Zoom. Ages 2-6.
Family Storytime with Rebecca or Jenny (registration required)
Find details and registration information at the storytime webpage.
Facebook: @CedarMillLibraries and YouTube: Cedar Mill Library.
Read to the Dogs
Wednesdays, 2 pm, online via DoveLewis.
Read to the Dogs is back! Now we’re teaming up with DoveLewis’ Portland Area Canine Therapy Team (PACTT) to offer virtual interactive reading sessions.
Read to the Dogs allows school age children who are beginning or struggling readers to develop their reading skills in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. During a virtual 15-minute session, your child has an opportunity to practice reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. Registration required through DoveLewis PACTT. Find a link on our Kids’ page.
Summer Reading for Kids
Make the Most of Your Summer—Read!
Read all summer long, then pick up your prize:
Visit the library by August 31 to claim your free book (supplies limited).
Bring your completed reading log or tell us how many hours you read during the summer. Print a Reading Log from our website or pick one up at a library.
Learn more and find printable Daily Reading Challenges and a Scavenger Hunt at the summer reading webpage.
For Teens & Tweens
Visit the teen page to find more resources for teens and tweens.
Teen/Tween Take and Make Crafts
August 2-4, Library hours, both libraries. Ages 11-18.
Stop by one of the libraries during open hours to pick up craft supplies for fun crafts like stress balls and Star Wars puppets. Then, join us for Wednesday Crafternoon to create with other teens. Supplies limited.
Wednesday Teen Crafternoon
Wednesday, August 5, 4-5 pm, via Zoom. Ages 11-18.
Teen Crafternoon continues this summer on the first Wednesday of each month. Teens can join us and see an art tutorial of the take and make crafts we give away that week and make their own art, listen to music and share what they create. Registration required at the teen page. Zoom link will be sent out an hour before the program.
Teen & Tween Summer Reading
Through August 31. Visit the page or the summer reading page to learn more.
2021 Theme: Reading Colors Your World
Calling all incoming 6th-12th graders! Register for CMBCL Summer Reading by downloading the Beanstack Tracker app from your preferred app store or go to the website to sign up. If you participated in past years, please use your previous Beanstack login information. Email with questions. You will have more chances to win and contribute using the Beanstack app.
How to Participate:
Read for five hours (or more!) Check off your hours as you read using the Beanstack app or print a reading log from our website. Stop by a library to pick up your prize book between July 15 and August 31 (supplies limited).
Grand Prize Drawing: Win a Baby Yoda Poster! Every badge you earn in Beanstack gives you a chance to win the poster, or turn in your completed paper reading log (including email address) to enter the drawing.
For every hour read this summer by local teens and tweens, 25 cents will be donated to HomePlate to help unhoused teens. Maximize your contribution through the Beanstack app as you log time all summer long. Help us reach our goal of a $1,000 contribution (4,000 hours of reading)!
For Adults
See a complete listing of programs at the Adults’ calendar page. Learn more about library groups and events for adults at the library webpage.
Positive Parenting to Create a Happy Home
First Thursdays, 7-8 pm, via Zoom. Parents of kids ages 18mo-12yrs.
Transform misbehavior into connection and cooperation. Bring your parenting questions and challenges to this monthly workshop presented by Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, Megan Barella.
Take and Make Craft
Monday, August 23, library hours, both libraries.
Pick up a kit with everything you need to create a suncatcher. Take and Make kits are available for adults at the Cedar Mill and Bethany libraries while supplies last.
Monthly Groups for Adults
Newcomers can register by emailing
Writers’ Mill
Sunday, August 15, 1-3 pm, via Zoom. Adults & older teens.
Contact to register. Learn more at
Local writers will be meeting over Zoom at the Writers’ Mill courtesy of Cedar Mill library. Among other things, we’ll be discussing the tasks involved in creating our upcoming anthology so, if you have any dreams of finding readers for your writing efforts, why not join us and meet a crowd of people just like you! You might even see your name in print!
See the group’s anthologies in the library catalog. For more information, contact group facilitator Sheila Deeth at and check the Writers’ Mill webpage.
Whether you’re writing just for fun, hoping for publication, or planning to self-publish, join us for a hands-on inspiring gathering of people who love to write. Newcomers welcome! If you already receive emails from the Writer’s Mill, you’ll receive a link for this meeting a few days before the event. If you’re new, welcome! Please email to receive a link for the event a few days before it happens.
Owl Book Group
Friday, August 27, 10:30 am-12 pm, via Zoom. Adults & older teens.
Contact to register.
June: The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson
If you already receive email from the Owl Book Group, you’ll receive a link for this meeting a few days before the event. If you’re new, welcome! Please email to receive a link for the event a few days before it happens. The group typically meets on the last Friday of each month. Newcomers are always welcome!
Voices in Verse
Saturday, August 28, 10:30 am-12pm, via Zoom. Adults and older teens.
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites.
Summer Reading for Adults
Sign up for countywide Summer Reading for Adults between June 1 and August 31 at the adult summer reading page to be eligible for prize drawings and receive fun, interactive emails with fantastic book suggestions from library staff throughout the summer!
Free Book Friday!
Throughout the month of July, we will give away a different bestselling book at both libraries each Friday. Check our website for details as July approaches!
Library Book Sale
Our Book Sale has over 2,000 titles at great prices waiting to be yours! 100% of your Book Sale purchases and donations benefit the libraries. Questions about donating? Call (503) 644-0043 x116 to make an appointment.