Library News January 2022

- Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries
- Winter Reading
- Kids
- Teens & Tweens
- Adults
- Second Edition Resale: Sidewalk Sale and Store Shopping
Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries
Libraries are closed January 17. Find event calendars, storytime schedules, and more at the library website.
Winter Reading
Through January 16, all ages
Have some fun, do some good, and join us for the CMBCL Winter Reading Challenge! For every hour you read, the libraries will donate 10 cents to the Oregon Food Bank to help families facing food insecurity, up to a maximum donation of $1,000.
Three ways to participate in the winter reading program:
1. Download the Beanstack app and track your reading on your phone or tablet.
2. Track your reading on a paper log from the library. Play BINGO and connect the dots as you read! Return forms to either library by January 16.
3. Log online using Beanstack

Read to the Dogs
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3-4 pm, 15-minute sessions via virtual Dove Lewis, limited to one session per week.
Read to the Dogs allows school age children who are beginning or struggling readers to develop their reading skills in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. During a virtual 15-minute session, your child has an opportunity to practice reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. For more information and to sign up visit the library’s webpage.
Family Storytime on Zoom
Tuesdays, January 13-February 17, 10:30 am, via Zoom, kids and their grown-ups
Join live interactive storytimes. Learn STEM concepts, kindergarten readiness, and pre-reading skills through stories, rhymes, and songs! When you register, we will send you a link via email an hour before it begins.
Learn more about CMBCL Storytimes at the library website, on Facebook @CedarMillLibraries, and on YouTube.
Find more fun for kids at the library website.
Teens & Tweens
Teen Game Night
Friday, January 14, 6 pm, ages 12-18 years, location TBA. Register at the library website.
Heroes wanted! The animals in the town of Fairfort have been mysteriously disappearing. Join us for a short, jaunty Dungeons and Dragons adventure to catch the culprit. New and experienced players welcome. Please note that location will be online or in-person depending on the most current health guidelines. Please call the library for details at 503-644-0043.
Visit the teen page to find more resources for teens and tweens.
Estate Planning & Diminished Capacity
Tuesday, January 11, 6:30-7:30 pm, via Zoom. Registration required.
Incapacity can occur at any time in life, and it can be due to an accident or an illness. One of the most common causes of incapacity is dementia (Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia). How can you plan for possible incapacity? Planning in advance for the management of your affairs is critical to your well-being if you become incapacitated. During this program, we will discuss different ways of planning for incapacity and how it can benefit you in the event you or your loved one became incapacitated. Join guest speaker Benjamin L. Rasche, J.D. to learn more. The Zoom link will be emailed the day of the event.
Monthly Groups for Adults
Newcomers can register for any of these by emailing
Voices in Verse
Saturdays, January 22-February 26, 10:30 am-noon, via Zoom.
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites.
Owl Book Group
Friday, January 28, 10:30 am-noon, via Zoom.
Join us virtually this month to discuss The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri. If you already receive emails from the Owl Book Group, you’ll receive a link for this meeting a few days before the event. If you’re new, welcome! Please email to receive a link.

Writers’ Mill
Sundays, January 16, February 20, 1-3 pm, via Zoom
Our January guest speaker is best-selling author Robert John Hoover, back for a much-anticipated return visit.
We’re always eager to welcome new writers to our group! For more information, contact group facilitator Sheila Deeth at or visit their website.
Learn more about library groups and events for adults at the library’s adult webpage.
Second Edition Resale: Sidewalk Sale and Store Shopping
New store hours! Tuesday-Saturdays, 10 am-4 pm
Visit Second Edition Resale for fabulous items, favorite themes, and extended hours! Watch for new, color-coded tag sales—look for colored tags to save 50%-75% off already low prices. All proceeds from your purchases made at Second Edition Resale support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries.
Upcoming themes:
- January 4-7: International
- January 11-14: South Asia
- January 18-21 and 25-28: East Asia
- February 1-4 and 8-11: Valentine’s Day
- February 15-18 and 22-25: Vintage
For the most up-to-date information, store hours, and themes please check out our Instagram @SecondEditionResale, Facebook, or the library website.
To stay connected to CMBCL, you can sign up for a variety of newsletters.