Washington County Boards and Commissions Vacancies Winter 2022

Various boards, committees, and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners (BCC) on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the BCC. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations.
In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Other requirements apply to some positions. Per BCC procedures, the County Administrative Office will solicit applications from individuals for a six-week period—staff will keep Commissioners apprised of applications received and approaching deadlines. Participating in a council or committee is an excellent opportunity for residents to make their voices heard and to learn more about how the county works.
To read more details, and to apply for any position, visit the Washington County website. The application deadline for all positions is January 25 (or open until filled).
Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council—six alternate positions
This Council plans for future services and reviews current programs for veterans and the elderly. Consumers over age 60, minorities, an elected official, Veterans Healthcare Provider, Veterans Provider, general public, under 60 veteran, and rural are among the categories who should be represented. This is a three-year term; the time commitment is five to ten hours per month. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every other month from 9 am to noon.
Audit Committee—two positions available
Five members who are knowledgeable of accounting and auditing (as demonstrated by professional employment in accounting, auditing, or finance) serve on this Committee. One additional appointee will be from the membership of the BCC. The Audit Committee prevents an over-reliance on external auditors. This is a three-year term and the total time commitment for this position is three hours (two meetings per year)
Behavioral Health Council—two positions available now and three positions available after March 31
19 members who are Washington County residents or have work interests in Washington County are needed for this council. The council will identify community needs, recommend funding priorities, and help select and evaluate service providers. This is a three-year term with a time commitment of two to three hours per month. Meetings are held on fourth Wednesdays from 9 am to 11 am.
Civil Service Commission—one position available now from District 3
The Civil Service Commission is comprised of five volunteers, one from each of the Commissioner districts, who provide a third-party review of the County’s employment practices. These volunteers must be a registered voter within the County and comply with other eligibility guidelines. This is a two-year term. Meetings are held as necessary and on the third Wednesday of each quarter from 3-4:30 pm.
Developmental Disabilities Council—six positions available after February 28
This council is comprised of fifteen members including recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives, and lay citizens. Members are residents of the county or have work interests in the county. If selected, individuals will help identify community needs, recommend funding priorities, and help select and evaluate service providers. This is a three-year term with a time commitment of two to three hours per month. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 10 am.
Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District/Urban Road Maintenance District Budget Committee (ESPD/URMD)—two positions available
This council reviews the proposed budget developed for the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District in unincorporated Washington County. It consists of the Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county (each County Commissioner appoints one member), and the five residents must live within the ESPD boundaries. This is a three-year term—meetings are held twice every May for approximately two to three hours. Additional meetings may be held as needed.
Fair Board—two positions available
The Fair Board’s primary function is to oversee the planning, preparation, and production of the County Fair. Seven members are selected from a variety of interests determined by the BCC, and in lieu of a citizen representative, one member may be from the Board. This is a three-year term with a time commitment of two to three hours per month. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of alternate months from 4:30 to 6 pm.
Fairgrounds Advisory Committee—three positions available
Nine members who represent the county geographically and in fields of interest or occupation serve on this board. The FAC provides input on the priorities and development of the Fairgrounds Master Plan, and other plans including capital projects, maintenance, non-fair marketing, and other strategic initiatives. As advocates, this committee works with local partners and the community at-large to communicate and encourage participation in Fairground developments. This is a three-year term.
Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee—one position available after March 31
Eight members representing the public, one member representing the garbage and recycling industry, and one representative of the County’s Department of Health and Human Services (a non-voting committee member) serve on this committee. The Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee makes recommendations on garbage and recycling decisions and programs that impact all users of the garbage and recycling system. This is a four-year term with a time commitment of two to three hours per month. Meetings are held on second Thursdays from 6-8 pm.
Housing Advisory Committee (HAC)—three positions available now and two positions available after March 31
Fifteen members that reflect a diversity of skills serve on this council. The HAC’s purpose is to ensure that Washington County’s housing needs are being met. Members may be called upon to review and recommend actions, advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors, and recommend resources that can fit the needs of low-income housing. This is a four-year term, with a time commitment of a minimum of two hours per month. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday at 9 am.
North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee—two positions available
This committee consists of the BCC plus five additional residents of the county, who reside in the North Bethany CSDR. Committee members will review the proposed budget for the North Bethany County Service District for Roads in unincorporated Washington County. This is a three-year term. Meetings will be held twice every May for approximately three hours per meeting. Additional meetings may be added.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board—one position available
Nine members who are residents of the county will serve on this Board. Traditionally, members are appointed from all Commissioner districts. Committee members will provide advice on the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of County parks, including Scoggins Valley Park and Henry Hagg Lake. This is a three-year term, and meetings are held on third Thursdays at 7 pm.
Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC)—one position available
URMDAC is comprised of ten Board-appointed residents of the Urban Road Maintenance District, all of whom serve as regular members, and two ex-officio members. They review and make recommendations regarding URMD’s level of service and annual work program, assist in evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficiency of URMD, inform URMD activities, and advise on continuation of URMD and/or other long-range funding opportunities for road maintenance. This is a four-year term, and the committee meets two hours per month. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday at 3:45 pm.
Washington County and SDL No.1 Budget Committee—two positions available
This committee consists of the Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county. Each Commissioner/district is allocated an appointment, although the representative does not need to reside in the Commissioner’s district. Members review the proposed County budget submitted by the budget officer each fiscal year. This is a three year term with approximately two three-hour meetings each May. Additional meetings may be added.