Library News January 2023

2023 Library Survey
The Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Libraries are updating our strategic plan. Want to help? Participate in our January survey!
This survey will help us plan library services for 2023 and beyond. All questions are optional. Estimated time is six minutes. You need not be a library user to participate. Please help us by taking the 2023 Library Survey here! The survey is available January 1-21. Print copies can be requested by calling (503) 644-0043 or by stopping by the Cedar Mill or Bethany Libraries.
Library news and events
Find event calendars, storytime schedules and more at Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries website.
Multiple Age Groups
Your Money and Your Future: Budgeting and Goal Setting
Thursday, January 12, 6:30-7:30 pm, ages 16-30, Cedar Mill Library
Learn how to manage and plan for expenses. Explore values, priorities, needs and wants. Registration Required.
Your Money and Your Future: Credit & Debt
Thursday, January 26, 6:30-7:30 pm, ages 16-30, Bethany Library Annex
Get the pros/cons of debt type, differences between credit and debt and ask questions if you’ve already accumulated debt. Registration Required.
Find more fun for kids on the kids calendar.
Learn more about storytimes on the Storytime page of the Library website.
Pokémon Party
Friday, January 13, 10:30 am-12 pm, ages 6-11, Cedar Mill Library
Join us for a craft, Pokken Tournament, and more.
Festive Winter Window Craft
Friday, January 13, 2-3:30 pm, ages 5+, Bethany Library Annex
Create a winter window while supplies last.
Family Storytime
Second Saturdays, January 14, 11:15-11:45am, ages 2+, Bethany Library Annex
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, January 17-March 8, 10:30-11am, ages 2+, Cedar Mill Library
Twos Together
Tuesdays, January 17-March 7, 10:30-11am, ages 24-36 months, Bethany Library Annex
Fun for Ones
Thursdays, January 19-March 9, 10:30-11am, ages 12-24 months, Cedar Mill Library
Preschool Storytime
Thursdays, January 19-March 9, 10:30-11am, ages 3-6 years, Bethany Library Annex
Fridays, January 20-March 10, 11:30am-12pm, ages 0-12 months, Cedar Mill Library
Teens & Tweens
Visit the Teens and Tweens page on the Library website to learn more.
Teen Game Night: Super Smash Tourney
Friday, January 6, 6-8 pm, ages 11-18, Cedar Mill Library
Compete in our Super Smash Bros Tournament. Meet your friends and play Switch, Wii and Gamecube games together. Bring your own controllers or use some of ours. Registration Required.
Learn more about library groups and events for adults at the Adult page of the Library website.
Medicare 101
Saturday, January 21, 11 am-12 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Join Michelle Hernandez from Health Plans in Oregon as she goes over the basics of Medicare, what parts are right for you, and how to enroll. There will be plenty of time for questions at the end. Visit the Washington County Cooperative Library Services website to learn more.
Estate Planning for Families with Young Children
Wednesday, January 25, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Benjamin L. Rasche, J.D. presents estate planning and choosing a guardian for your children.

Second Edition Resale
Visit Second Edition Resale for year-round savings! Look for colored dots to save 50%-75% off already low prices. All proceeds from your Second Edition Resale purchases and item donations support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries.
Upcoming Themes are East Asia Theme (January 3-14), South Asia Theme (January 17-21), International Theme (January 24- 28), Valentine’s Theme (January 31-February 14).
Store and Donation Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm, January 2 is closed/no donations accepted.
See the store’s latest treasures on Instagram and Facebook @SecondEditionResale. For more information, visit the Second Edition Resale website.
The Writer’s Mill
Sunday, January 15, 1-3 pm, via Zoom and in person, Cedar Mill Library
Maryka Biaggio will be our featured speaker, discussing how dialog and description create a sense of time and place. Join us-new members always welcome, and we’re a very eclectic, welcoming group. For more info, contact the librarians or visit the Writer’s Mill website.