Garden News February 2023

WCMGA offers February gardening events
Multiple dates and times, in person and online, free
The Washington County Master Gardener Association offers a variety of special events, workshops, and online webinars, which are open to the public. Get outside, learn new skills, meet people, and enlarge your world! A complete list of 2023 WCMGA events with details is available on their website.
Pruning Palooza!
Saturday February 25, 10 am-noon, WCMGA Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate, 8005 SW Grabhorn Rd, Beaverton
Learn how to prune grapes, small fruit bushes, and other perennial plants found in the Learning Garden. Find answers to the burning questions: Where to start? What to cut? When to stop? Master Gardeners will guide you with hands-on demonstrations. Feel free to bring your pruning tools. Instruction provided by OSU Ext. Master Gardener Volunteers
Learn all about bees in a three-part class: Intro to Mason Bees
Saturday, February 25, 10 am-noon, PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd, Building 4, Room 103

Class 1 (of 3) addresses the biology, behavior, and natural history of the mason bee, led by Ron Spendal, OSU Extension MG Volunteer. Ron has been researching and educating the public about mason bees for over 15 years. He operates educational mason bee displays across Washington County and runs highly sought-after courses on mason bee management through the WCMGA. See details about future classes 2 and 3 here.
Blueberry Care
Saturday, March 4, 10 am-noon, PCC Rock Creek Bldg. 4, Room 103 then WCMGA Education Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd, free. Registration NOT required.
Blueberries are easy and fun to grow. Learn about planting, fertilizing, plants selection, and care for blueberries, including pruning techniques. Bring your own hand pruners for a hands-on opportunity to prune.
The WCMGA sponsors a wide variety of gardening–related demonstrations, lectures, seminars, and workshops in various Washington County Oregon locations. Most of our events are free and open to the public. The WCMGA is a 501c3 non-profit supported by hundreds of volunteers, who work to educate the public about sustainable, affordable gardening.
Rose Pruning Demo with Portland Rose Society
Saturday, March 4, 11 am-3 pm, , Dennis Seven Dees, 10455 SW Butner Rd, free
Get ready for spring with Portland Rose Society. Rose experts will be answering questions and demonstrating proper rose pruning techniques. Bring your hand pruners to be sharpened while you shop and a one-cup sealed bag of garden soil (label with email + phone number) for free pH testing! Sign up for a free ticket on the Facebook page.