Library Events and Programs February 2023

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Find event calendars, storytime schedules and more at our website.

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Multiple Age Groups

Your Money, Your Future: Financial Tips

Insurance & Fraud
Thursday, February 9, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 16-30

Learn how to minimize your fraud risk with insurance! Find out what insurance covers and how to avoid scams. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.

Building Wealth

Discover how your money can work for you to build wealth! Come learn about compound interest, long-term savings, risk tolerance, and fees. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.

Garden of Eatin’ – Vegetable Gardening Tips for Spring

Saturday, February 18, 2-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library Elm & Oak Room, registration required

Get your garden ready to grow. Learn steps that you can take now to ensure that your vegetable garden will be a success this summer. This talk will provide tips regarding soil, fertilizer, making seed tape, sowing seed, growing your own transplants from seed, and developing a planting plan that will yield year-round fresh produce whether you are gardening in containers or a garden plot.

Dennis Brown, PhD, has had a lifelong interest in gardening and has been an OSU Extension Service Master Gardener™ since 2010. He currently gardens at his home and at a community garden in Northeast Portland. As a Master Gardener, he provides research-based information on sustainable gardening practices to the public in metropolitan Portland via the Master Gardener helpline, farmers’ market plant clinics and other venues. He is on the Advisory Council for Solve Pest Problems , a project of the Oregon State University Extension Service, which is developing an accessible tool for Oregonians to obtain information about safely managing pests in their gardens and homes. Dennis has degrees in Horticulture (BS, MS) and Plant Biology (PhD). 

PDX ReStore

Registration required. If you don’t have an email address please call or come in and staff will be happy to register you.

Trapped in the Upside Down: A Stranger Things Escape Room

Friday, February 10, 6 pm & 7 pm, Cedar Mill Library, adults only
Saturday, February 11, 2 pm & 3:15 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18

Can you decipher Will’s messages and get him back from the Upside Down? Participate in our Stranger Things themed escape room, open on 2 separate days to different age groups! Registration is required. Learn more at our website.


Grab-and-Go Crafting

Friday, February 3, Cedar Mill and Bethany Library 

Drop by these two locations to pick up craft bags to take home while supplies last!

Craft sessions

Heart Handprint Tree
Friday, February 3, 10-11:30 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 5+
Minecraft Papercraft & Sticker
Tuesday, February 21,| 2-4:30 pm, Bethany Library Annex, ages 5+

While supplies last. Discover even more fun activities at the kids section of our website!


Because our space is very limited, we appreciate families choosing only one storytime per week. Learn more at our website.

Family Storytimes
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, February 7-March 8, 10:30-11 am, Cedar Mill Library, ages 2+
Saturday, February 11, 11:15-11:45 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 2+

Join us on any of these dates at either library location for stories, rhymes, songs, and movement!

Twos Together     
Tuesdays, February 7-March 7, 10:30-11 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 24-36 months
Fun for Ones 
Thursdays, February 2- March 9, 10:30-11 am, Cedar Mill Library, ages 12-24 months
Preschool Storytime
Thursdays, February 2-March 9, 10:30-11 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 3-6
Fridays, February 3-March 10, 11:30am-12 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 0-12 months

Teens & Tweens

Teen Crafternoon: Hydro Dipped Mugs

Friday, February 3, 2-3:30 pm, Bethany Library Annex, ages 11-18

Come learn about hydro dipping and create your own unique design on a mug! Registration is required. Learn more at our website.

Junkyard Wars: Shark Tank Edition

Tuesday, February 21, 2-4 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18

We provide the junk- you have 30 minutes to create AND sell your invention to our panel of “investors.” Participants work together in teams of four. Good luck!


Medicare 101

Friday, February 17, 3-4 pm, Bethany Library Annex 

Join Michelle Hernandez from Health Plans in Oregon as she goes over the basics of Medicare, what parts are right for you, and how to enroll. There will be plenty of time for questions at the end. Learn more at our website.

Garden of Eatin’

Saturday, February 18, 2-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library

Provided by OSU Master Gardeners. Learn the steps that you can take now to ensure that your vegetable garden will be a success this summer! This talk will provide tips regarding soil, fertilizer, transplants from seed, and planting tips. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.

This IS Kalapuyan Land

Wednesday, February 22, 6:30-7:30 pm, online via Zoom, ages 16+

Steph Littlebird will present her exhibit about Kalapuyan history and culture. Littlebird is an artist, curator, writer, and a registered member of Oregon’s Grand Ronde Confederated Tribes. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.

Join the Writer’s Mill!

3rd Sunday of every month, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library OR online via Zoom

Local and international writers meet together every month at the Writers’ Mill. February’s meeting, on Sunday the 19th, will feature novelist Cindy Brown talking about what writers can learn from watching movies. For more information, visit our website or contact the librarians. We are always happy to welcome new members!

Save year-round through Second Edition Resale!

Store and donation hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm

Visit Second Edition Resale for year-round savings! Look for colored dots to save 50%-75% off already low prices. All proceeds from your Second Edition Resale purchases and item donations support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries.

Upcoming Themes:

  • Feb 1-Feb 14 Valentine’s theme
  • Feb 14-Feb 18 Vintage
  • Feb 21-Mar 11: crafting theme

Learn more at our website, and see the store’s latest treasures on Instagram and Facebook (@SecondEditionResale).