Library News March 2023

Find the event calendar, storytime schedules, and more listed at the Cedar Mill Library website.
All Ages

Crosshatch Reading Challenge
March 1-May 6
Join us for our comics reading challenges! Comics come in all shapes and forms these days. You can complete activities and earn badges related to reading manga, nonfiction, memoirs, and graphic novels. Sign up at our Winter Reading Challenges website, or pick up a bookmark at the library.
Find more fun for kids at the library kid’s website page.
Grab-and-Go crafts
Friday, March 3, Cedar Mill & Bethany Library

Stop by the library to pick up craft bags to take home, while supplies last!
Make a pocket bunny!
Saturday, March 18, 10:30 am-12 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 8+
This month’s felt craft is sewing a pocket bunny to take home!
Play with LEGO
Wednesday, March 29, and Saturday, May 13, 10:30 am-12 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Thursday, March 30, 10:30 am-12 pm, Bethany Library Annex
Drop by either location on any of 3 dates to build and play with LEGO! Open to ages 5+.
Dance Party!
Tuesday, March 28, 10:30-11:15 am, Cedar Mill Library, ages 2-6
Enjoy music, movement, and a few special stories!
Super Mario Party
Tuesday, March 28, 2-4:30 pm, Bethany Library Annex, ages 5+
Enjoy crafts, Hot Wheels races & more fun activities at the party.
Collaborative Coloring
Wednesday, March 29, all day, Bethany Library, ages 5+
Drop in and color to your heart’s content!
Giant Games
Friday, March 31, 10:30 am-noon, Cedar Mill Library, ages 5+
Connect 4, dominos, checkers, tic-tac-toe, cards, and more.
Spring Storytime
April 3-May 26
Learn more at the library storytime website page.
Teens & Tweens
Visit the library website’s teens and tweens resource page to find more resources.
Graphic Novel & Manga Book Club: “The Well”
Saturday, March 4, 2-3:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Join us for a discussion of “The Well” by Jacob Wyatt! Limited copies of the book will be available to pick up at both libraries, starting February 8th, for those who can commit to attending. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.

Chaotic Crusaders Club: Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, March 11, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Calling all adventurers! Do you want to save the day from terrifying monsters, cast powerful, reality-bending spells, and solve puzzles and traps using your wits- all while making new friends? Then grab your dice and join us for a game of Dungeons & Dragons (5th edition). New and experienced players are welcome! Registration is required. Learn more at our website.
Game Night: Super Smash Tourney
Friday, March 31, 6-8 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Come compete in our Smash Bros Tournament- meet your friends and play console games together! Switch, Wii, and Gamecube games are available. Tournament will be played with library consoles and controllers, but participants can bring well labeled controllers to use with non-tournament devices. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.
Learn more about library groups and events for adults at the library website’s adult resources page.
Spanish Conversation Hour
Wednesday, March 8, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11+
Want to practice your Spanish with other language learners? Join us for a Spanish language conversation hour every second Wednesday of the month, starting August 10, in-person at the Cedar Mill Library. The conversation hour is not an instructional course but rather a great opportunity to chat and improve your Spanish language skills through facilitated conversation! Learn more at our website.

Technology Lab
Tuesday, March 14, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Learn to get started with basic computer skills and practice on devices like laptops, tablets, and cell phones at the tech lab!
Growing mushrooms with coffee grounds!
Thursday, March 16, 6-7 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Learn how to grow Oyster Mushrooms on coffee grounds with Jordan Weiss. You get to take home your own starter! Registration is required. Learn more at our website.
Caring for your soil
Thursday, March 23, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Join Dean Moberg from Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District for a discussion on the history of Cedar Mill soil and what you can do to keep it healthy.
Medicare 101
Wednesday, March 29, 6:30-7:30 pm, Bethany Library Annex
Join Michelle Hernandez from Health Plans in Oregon as she goes over the basics of Medicare, what parts are right for you, and how to enroll. There will be plenty of time for questions at the end. Learn more at our website.
Avid Adventurers Alliance: Dungeons & Dragons for adults
Saturday, March 11, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 19+
Grab your dice and join us for a game of Dungeons & Dragons (5th edition)! New and experienced players are welcome. Registration is required. Learn more at our website.
Monthly Adults’ Groups:
Voices in Verse
Saturday, March 25, 10:30 am-12 pm, virtual on Zoom
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites! Registration is required.
Writers’ Mill
Sunday, March 19, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library & virtual on Zoom, ages 16+
Publish, perish, or just put your writing out there by joining the Writer’s Mill at Cedar Mill Library! We look at ways (both new and old) to use our writing talents. Learn what might happen if you choose the “publish or perish” route. New members, near and far, are always welcome- your friendly librarians will be able to give you the Zoom link if you can’t join us in-person. Find out more at our Writers Mill website.
Owl Book Group
Friday, March 31, 10:30 am-12 pm, virtual on Zoom, ages 16+
Join us to discuss a recent or popular book! This month we are reading Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart.
Questions? Send an email to or visit our website.
Second-Edition Resale for year-round savings!
Donation hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm
All proceeds from your Second-Edition Resale purchases and item donations support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries. Look for colored dots to save 50-75% off already low prices!
See the store’s latest treasures on Instagram and Facebook @SecondEditionResale.
Upcoming themes: March 7-11: Storewide Sale! Everything 50% off Tues-Thurs; 75% off Fri, Sat.; March 14-April 8: Easter/Spring.