Park News March 2023

- Spring Break camps and activities
- Volunteer opportunities
- What’s open, what’s not, and why
- Park development updates
- Spring Native Plant Sale
- Holi Celebration
- Summer registration opens soon
- Comprehensive Plan Update complete
- Swim Instructor shortage

Spring Break camps and activities
Open Swim times will be available during Spring Break from March 27-31. There are Spring Break Camps available throughout the district.
Planning a party? The Aloha Swim Center is available for special rentals every 1st and 3rd Saturday beginning in March.
Volunteer opportunities
Restore the Natural Areas of The Bluffs Park
Saturday, March 11, 9-11:30 am, South Drive, register here
Help us remove English ivy from the natural areas of The Bluffs Park! Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink from throughout the day. Tools and gloves will be provided.
What’s open, what’s not, and why
We’ve received questions from the public lately about why their favorite facility is closed some days or is open fewer hours than before the pandemic. Staffing shortages in areas such as aquatics, combined with added budget pressures from increased personnel services costs and inflation have resulted in significant budget pressures. All of our centers have been deeply impacted. Here is a summary of the changes to our operational hours.
Sunset Swim Center is opening this month! It’s been closed since March 2020 and will finally be reopening at the end of next month after three years! At that time, it will be open just four hours a day, Monday through Friday.
Four centers are closed Saturdays and Sundays: Aloha Swim Center, Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, Garden Home Rec Center, and Harman Swim Center. Three centers are closed Sundays: Beaverton Swim Center, Cedar Hills Rec Center, and the Tualatin Hills Nature Center. The Tualatin Hills Athletic Center has seen significant changes to weekday hours since before the pandemic.
District staff are working on recommendations to share with the board and the public for options the district can pursue to address the budgetary issues in the coming months.

Park development updates
New Park coming to Bethany: THPRD is supporting private developer Taylor Morrison to engage local community members in the design of a future park’s play equipment at NW Evelyn and Eleanor in North Bethany.

Replacement of Willow Creek Greenway Boardwalk THPRD is planning to replace a .85 mile stretch of boardwalk that meanders through the Willow Creek Greenway from NW 173rd Ave to Waterhouse Ave. This project is funded through the 2019 Metro Parks and Nature bond measure that aims to protect clean water, restore habitat, and connect people to nature while centering racial equity and climate resilience.
More information about THPRD projects along with a FAQ is here.

Spring Native Plant Sale
Order online now from Sparrowhawk Native Plants to get your Spring Native Plants. Sale runs through March 26, as supplies last. Learn about each plant on the website, At check-out, select to pick-up your order at the Tualatin Hills Nature Center on April 21 or 22, then pick up your seeds and potted plants at the Nature Park. Every order helps us raise funds for The Friends of the Tualatin Hills Nature Park.
Holi Celebration
Saturday, March 11, 3:30-5 pm, Rock Creek Park

Holi, also known as the “Festival of Spring”, is a Hindu festival celebrated across India and Nepal to mark the end of winter and the start of spring. Our event will feature traditional Holi music and dance, food for purchase, shopping, and color play. Everyone is welcome to participate in the throwing of colored powder, a highlight of the festival. Don’t miss the chance to experience the vibrant and joyful atmosphere of Holi.
The event is open to people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, and is a great opportunity for families and friends to come together and celebrate. Bring your own white clothes and be prepared to get colorful (washable colors will be provided)! Come join us for an afternoon of fun and laughter. We look forward to celebrating Holi with you!
Summer registration opens soon
In-district registration for classes and programs opens on Saturday, April 15 at 8 am. Out-of-district opens on Monday, April 17.
Comprehensive Plan Update complete
THPRD completed an update to our Comprehensive Plan, which outlines goals, objectives, and guiding principles for the district for the next 20+ years. The Board adopted the plan in February. It can be found on our website.

Swim Instructor shortage
THPRD, like park agencies throughout the U.S., has had a challenging time hiring and retaining swim instructors. Without qualified instructors, we can’t provide enough swim classes to meet demand. We deeply apologize to the community because we know that learning to swim is essential, and the community deserves dependable access to swim classes.
We encourage you to join our waitlist and interest list. As new staff is trained, we are continually opening up new lessons throughout the term, and we want to ensure that we can accommodate as many swimmers as possible.
We are working hard to recruit staff, but we could use your help. If you know people with experience teaching swimming or working as lifeguards, please refer them to THPRD. We also have training available and can teach lifeguarding skills. We appreciate your help in sharing these hiring opportunities broadly. Click here to view current aquatic job openings.