Scout Troop 207

By Elissa Ryan

Started in 1928, Cedar Mill Scout Troop 207 has been having fun, providing service, and growing youth into resourceful, responsible leaders for nearly 100 years! Troop 207 members develop and practice leadership skills by planning and conducting their own weekly meetings, working on rank advancements, service projects, and taking monthly camping trips.
One weekend a month, our scouts trek to campsites across the area to be in nature and put their outdoor survival skills to practical use. In summer, our members attend a week-long camp where they earn merit badges, make new friends, and have loads of fun. This year they went to Camp Meriwether, near Tillamook, where our Troop earned a total of 30 merit badges and four special awards, participated in the Polar Plunge, the sand sculpture contest, the triathlon, the mile swim, a chili cook off, the egg drop (from the top of the climbing tower), and were on the winning team for The Sedge—using catapults built from pencils, duct tape, and rubber bands, teams attacked their opponent’s castle with dice!

Culturally diverse and welcoming all boys ages 11-18, our Troop works hard to make new members feel welcome. Scouts attain advancement ranks by learning a variety of skills in things like pocketknife safety, first aid, cooking, knot tying, camping, swimming, citizenship, and compass use. In addition, there are 138 possible merit badges to be earned including game design, white water rafting, chess, snow sports, and robotics.
As you begin to think about the new school year—help your kids get unplugged, off Zoom, and outdoors. They will make new friends, develop new skills, and experience personal growth through the mentorship of our amazing adult leaders.
Learn more about how to join Cedar Mill Scouts at the Cedar Mill Farmer’s Market on August 20, 27, and September 10. Look for the Troop and a fun activity they will lead at the Community Booth. Interested families are also invited to come to our back-to-school BBQ on Monday, September 12 to learn details of what is planned for the coming year. Email for the time and location. Check us out on our website and find us on Facebook.