WashCo News

- Transit Development Plan and Survey
- Commissioner boundary changes
- Washington County Boards and Commissions position openings
Transit Development Plan and Survey
Survey open through August 31
Our Transit Development Plan helps guide the future of public transit across Washington County for each two-year state budget. Using Statewide Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF), we aim to meet a variety of requirements including expanding frequent bus service to low-income areas and improving service to TriMet and South Metro Area Regional Transit areas.
LUT Ambassadors will be available to talk about these efforts on Saturday, August 6 at the Cedar Mill Farmers Market.

Visit the Transit Development Plan online open house and take the survey to help identify improvements to public transportation in rural Washington County and other areas not well served by bus routes. Which public transportation improvements would you like to see in the next two to five years?
The online open house survey asks for feedback on these topics: Maintain, enhance, and add first-last leg community connector services; Rural door-to-door and workforce vanpool programs; Bus stop improvement program; Cross county transit coordination; Expanded shuttle services to fill service gaps.
The Transit Development Plan online open house survey is open through August 31 and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Commissioner boundary changes
The 2020 census told us that our District 2 has a disproportionately large number of residents, and that triggered an effort to adjust Commissioner District boundaries. The Population Research Center at Portland State University prepared five maps that were presented to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) during a July 12 Work Session.
The deadline for adopting the new boundaries is January 6, 2023, in time for the 2024 election. BCC will continue to discuss the options and present one or more of the options for a public discussion shortly.

State Factors for Consideration (as nearly as practicable): Be contiguous; Utilize existing geographic or political boundaries; Not divide communities of common interest; Be connected by transportation links; Be of equal population; Not drawn to favor person or partisan concerns; Not drawn to dilute voting strength of any language or ethnicity.
Additional factors required by the BCC are to: Consider Park Districts, School Districts, Urban Growth Boundary, Urban Service Agreements, Urban Reserves, keep Aloha and Beaverton in one district; Maintain District 1 as the only district that is exclusively urban and suburban (no rural); Provide an option that includes rural areas in each district.
Washington County Boards and Commissions position openings
Cedar Mill area residents are encouraged to check out positions on a variety of advisory groups. Boards, committees, and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners (BCC) on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the BCC. In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works.
The application process is open now and the deadline is August 30, or open until filled. Applications may be obtained by visiting the Boards and Commissions website.
Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council, 2 regular positions and 6 alternate positions.
Planning for future services and reviewing current programs are two key roles for these 19 volunteers (13 regular and six alternate members). Their community ties and personal or professional familiarity with issues facing seniors and veterans make them an invaluable resource for Washington County Disability, Aging & Veterans’ Services, and the Board of Commissioners. The Council advises the department on policy, programs, and actions affecting the delivery of services and generally serves as an advocate for veterans and the elderly.
Audit Committee, 2 positions available.
Independent oversight is critical to the effectiveness of financial statement audits. The Audit Committee monitors audits of the County’s finances, in the belief that access to knowledgeable individuals help prevent an excessive reliance on the expertise of the external auditor.
Behavioral Health Council, 1 position available.
The Behavioral Health Council advises the Behavioral Health Division, and identifies community needs, recommends funding priorities, and helps select and evaluate service providers. The County’s emphasis on contracting with community agencies for social services makes the work of this volunteer advisory council critical.
Board of Property Tax Appeals, unlimited number of pool member positions.
As a member of the Board of Property Tax Appeals you would weigh evidence provided by taxpayers and the County Assessor to determine a property’s value. The role of the board is key to maintaining a fair and equitable property tax system. Hearings take place in a public meeting setting.
Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District/Urban Road Maintenance District Budget Committee (ESPD/URMD), 3 positions available.
Reviews the proposed budget developed for the Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District and the Urban Road Maintenance District in unincorporated Washington County.
Fairgrounds Advisory Committee, 1 position available.
The Fairgrounds Advisory Committee provides input on the priorities and development of the Fairgrounds Master Plan, and other plans including capital projects, maintenance, non-fair marketing, and other strategic initiatives. As advocates, this committee works with local partners and the community at-large to communicate and encourage participation in Fairground developments.
Homeless Plan Advisory Committee (HPAC), 1 position available.
The Homeless Plan Advisory Committee is composed of members who have authority within their agency/jurisdiction to make policy and budget decisions that impact the community’s housing and supportive services system. The HPAC advises the county Department of Housing Services Staff, the Director of Housing Services, the County Administrator, and the Board of County Commissioners for Washington County.
Housing Advisory Committee (HAC), 1 position available.
Providing affordable housing in Washington County is a formidable job. It is the mission of the HAC to advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors on housing goals policies, to review and recommend actions on the budgets of the Housing Authority, to advise regarding the community’s needs for low-income housing, and to recommend resources and programs available to address those needs.
North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee, 1 position available.
Reviews the proposed budget developed for the North Bethany County Service District for Roads in unincorporated Washington County.
Northwest Area Commission on Transportation (NWACT) 1 position available.
NWACT is an advisory body chartered by the Oregon Transportation Commission. NWACT addresses all aspects of transportation (surface, marine, air, and transportation safety) with primary focus on the state transportation system. NWACT considers regional and local transportation issues in northwest Oregon that affect the state system.
Park and Recreation Advisory Board, 4 positions available.
Provides advice on the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of County parks, including Scoggins Valley Park / Henry Hagg Lake.
Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC), 1 position available.
URMDAC advises the Board and staff on matters related to road maintenance provided by the Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD). URMDAC reviews and makes recommendations regarding URMD’s level of service and annual work program, assists in evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficiency of URMD, assists in informing URMD activities and advises on continuation of URMD and/or other long-range funding opportunities for road maintenance.
Washington Countyand SDL No.1 Budget Committee, 3 positions available.
Reviews the proposed County budget submitted by the budget officer each fiscal year.
Visit the Boards and Commissions website for details on each position and to apply.