CPO 1 News February 2021

- February 9 meeting
- Cornell Farm Neighborhood Meeting
- Peterkort subdivision time extension requested
- Touchmark addition Development Review
- NW 113th partition and access review
- CPO 1 January Meeting Summary
February 9 meeting
Tuesday, February 9, 7-9 pm via zoom
We recently learned of an affordable senior housing project proposed for the east side of Saltzman at Dogwood, across from the library. Members of the development team will join us to introduce the project, including the Pastor of Christ United Methodist Church, which is providing the land, and representatives from Home First, the housing developer. Learn more here.

Following that presentation, Kara Yunck will tell us about Beaverton School District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan leading up to a new school bond measure. She’ll also discuss the potential for in-person instruction, describe their food distribution program, the Clothes for Kids program, and AVID, a college prep and career readiness secondary school approach. Learn more in BSD News here.
Neighbors of the curve on Thompson, east of Saltzman, have been working to clarify solutions to the safety issues including speeding and lack of sight distance. The topic came up because of a development proposal, but neighbors are concerned regardless of that. We’ll hear what they’ve been learning and also have an update on the topic from Washington County Land Use & Transportation.
Our meetings are “simulcast” on our Facebook page if you prefer not to use zoom. That means they’re also available to view later if you can’t make the meeting.
Cornell Farm Neighborhood Meeting
Tuesday, February 16, 6 pm, via zoom

Cornell Farm nursery is proposing to add a two-story sales and office building to its campus at the southwest corner of Barnes and SW 82nd Place. The neighborhood meeting provides a forum for the applicant and the community to review the proposal and identify issues so they may be considered before a land development application is submitted to the county. All are welcome to attend. Contact Meaghan Bullard, Jones Architecture, with questions at 503-477-9165 or via email at mbullard@jonesarc.com.
Peterkort subdivision time extension requested
The applicant, J. Peterkort Company, is seeking a time extension for a previously approved Preliminary Subdivision. The approval for the Preliminary Subdivision would have expired on June 24, 2021. The request, if approved, would extend the expiration date of the original approval by two years, to June 24, 2023.
The site is generally located adjacent to the Sunset Transit Center, south of SW Barnes Road, west of the Highway 217 off-ramp, north of Highway 26, and east of the Sunset Station access road.
This is the first time extension request. No changes to the originally approved application are being proposed. The Beaverton Planning Director will issue their decision around February 17.
Touchmark addition Development Review
A 56-unit group care (independent living) residential facility, “Sky Lodge,” is proposed to be added to the Touchmark senior living complex near Leahy and Barnes Road.
NW 113th partition and access review

A three-parcel partition and access management plan has been approved for property on the east side of NW 113th Avenue near its intersection with NW Melody Lane. Phase 1 of the development will be a replacement dwelling, to be accessed by a new private road. Phase 2 will include two new homes. The development will provide a half-street improvement along 113th, to include sidewalk, street trees, and lighting.
CPO 1 January Meeting Summary
Vicky Siah
To start the first meeting of the year, CPO 1 Chair Virginia Bruce provided development updates: The dog run at Jackie Husen Park is now permanent, after a successful trial year, and the Target store (proposed to replace Bales Thriftway) is pending because of a county suggestion to close the Cornell left turn entrance.
Brenda Schaffer, representing the Washington Country Sheriff’s Office, reminded us to keep car headlights on for safety, especially during January’s long nights. Now that cocktails are eligible for takeout, she asks that drivers keep alcoholic beverages sealed and distanced from the driver’s seat—Oregon’s Open Container Law prohibits open containers of alcohol to be stored in a vehicle.
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office practices “see something, say something” and presented a crime map of the CPO 1 area. They encourage residents to lock cars, and not leave expensive items visible to deter crime. Crime reports can be found on the Washington County Sheriff’s website.
TVF&R Fire Chief Deric Weiss said, in his video update, that the agency is still in emergency mode due to the pandemic and stations remain closed to the public. They are using high levels of PPE and sanitation measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread. As of March, only six TVF&R employees have tested positive for COVID-19 out of a nearly 600-personnel workforce.
This meeting’s spotlight was a presentation from Tricia Mortell, the Washington County Public Health Manager, regarding the COVID-19 vaccination progress plan. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have passed all three clinical trials. All experts have deemed that the vaccines are safe and important to eradicating COVID-19. Once vaccinated with the first dose, people will receive information and report side effects on VSafe (a phone app).
The Oregon Health Authority states that Oregon will likely begin vaccinating phase 1B and 1C in February. Controlling the vaccine’s storage temperature, coordinating doses, and messaging side effects are the main challenges; in roll out, Hospitals that administered the first doses struggled to reach non-client groups while being pressured to distribute all vaccines quickly.
Mortell describes our current vaccine program as “moving much more smoothly,” and the State is devising ways to work with greater efficiency. Washington County Public Health is working with EMS agencies, Health Systems, Cities, and Districts to ensure equitable distribution during each phase.
The most up-to-date information of vaccinations can be found on the County and the Oregon State websites.
Following Mortell’s presentation, Oregon State Senator Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward introduced herself and her priorities. Senator Steiner-Hayward has been a State Senator for nine years and is simultaneously serving as a family physician at OHSU. In the Oregon Legislature, she is co-chairing the budget committee. She hopes to “prioritize resources towards mitigating the effects of the pandemic,” and her key focus of the year is drafting the Hope Amendment before the 2022 elections. This amendment would make healthcare a Constitutional right akin to education, and provides a basic overview for healthcare programs. Members of our community can learn more about our State representatives and committees at the Oregon Legislature website. Comments, questions, and concerns can be sent to Senator Steiner-Hayward at sen.elizabethsteinerhayward@oregonlegislature.gov.
The final item on the agenda was Kimberly Howard’s presentation of PGE Project Zero. The program partners with the Portland Public School district and Merlo High School to create a climate literacy curriculum. The objective is to involve students in the fight against climate change while allowing them to craft their futures.
One facet of Project Zero is aimed at forging pathways to green jobs. This program helps people between the age of 20 and 24 who are disconnected from school and work. Through the next few years, Project Zero intends to introduce 50 to 60 young adults to green-based internships.
A recording of this meeting is on our Facebook page.