Beaverton School District News February 2021

- Instruction update
- Facilities Planning for future bond measure underway
- Bonny Slope Kindergarten “virtual roundup”
Instruction update
Don Grotting, Superintendent of Beaverton School District (BSD) begins his latest update with this message. “I want to thank you for your tremendous patience over the past several weeks as our school district grapples with an ever-changing landscape. We know that you’ve been hungry for information. We’ve had to pivot our plan more than once to incorporate changing health metrics, increased mandatory safety measures and the realities of vaccine availability.” Read more here, and visit the BSD website for the latest updates about in-person instruction and more. The home page has links to their latest information.
Facilities Planning for future bond measure underway

Capital projects (facilities and other tangible assets) are funded by Bond Measures. The last Bond Measure for BSD was passed in 2014, and most of the projects it funded have been built. A Bond Measure must detail the improvements that will be paid for by the tax, so the Long-Range Facilities Plan is being updated currently. A BSD representative is visiting CPO 1 on Tuesday, February 9 and more information will be available then. Bring your questions!
Bonny Slope Kindergarten “virtual roundup”
Wednesday, February 24, 6 pm via zoom
If you have a child that will be five years old on or before September 1st, 2021, Bonny Slope Elementary School is offering an opportunity to “virtually” connect. Parents of new first grade students to Bonny Slope are also invited to attend!
This informational session is designed to support your enrollment in Kindergarten next year. We will talk about the process to enroll your new student to Bonny Slope and answer any questions about that process. It will be a chance to meet the administration and some of the staff that will be supporting your students next year as well.
Please note: because we are receiving guidance from the state and the district regarding the return back to school, we won’t be able to discuss specifics for next year about instruction, teachers, or programs. We are planning another meeting in May that addresses those specific questions you will have.
You can complete enrollment online on the Beaverton School District Website.
If you have any questions please call our school office at 503.356.2040 or email: