Development News

- The (Cedar) Rumor Mill
- Milltowner updates
- Cedar Grove affordable housing nearing completion
- 185th gas station
- Columbia Sportswear new building
The (Cedar) Rumor Mill
We hear things that can’t be confirmed, so we’re going to begin sharing them here. If you have news about development in the area, let us know at We’re also, of course, interested to hear confirmed information from those in the know, but sometimes that’s hard to get! Corrections welcome, too!
Kirkland Center, Barnes & 118th: we hear that one of the new businesses may be a dog daycare facility.
That’s all for now, let us know what you hear!
Milltowner updates
According to Ryan Egge of Bales-Findley Development, they are in the early stages of negotiating a new lease for Milltowner II, the building that formerly housed Bales grocery. Due to nondisclosure agreements and other legal considerations, they can’t share the name of the new tenant yet, but we hear that it’s a national retailer.
CVS Pharmacy expects to open its new store in Milltowner I around mid-November. The shell of the building is nearly complete, and CVS contractors will take over to complete the interior before long.
Now that more of the “shells” are nearing completion, leases are being negotiated with potential tenants, but as above, no details are available at this time. We hear that a great coffee company is moving in, but we’re sworn to silence until the deal is signed!
Completion of the rest of the center isn’t expected until late spring or summer 2021. The new Sunset Athletic Club building is expected to be completed on the outside in Spring 2021, and will likely open next summer.
Cedar Grove affordable housing nearing completion
The managers of the new building at Cornell & Murray are beginning to take lease applications.
Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) says, “Applications to Income Property Management received by September 10 will be entered into a lottery to create a waitlist. Leasing packets in several languages can be downloaded at our Now Leasing page on our new website!”
Information in the packet includes income limits, rental pricing, and floor plans. From the packet: “Cedar Grove offers 44 units of affordable housing, including studios, one, two, and three bedroom units. Rent and income limits are restricted by the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program at or below 60% of median family income. Additionally, eight of the units come with Project-based Section 8 Vouchers (PBVs) provided by the Housing Authority of Washington County. The PBVs give preference to households with incomes at or below 30% Median Family Income, and those that are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The PBV units are preferenced for applicants referred through Community Action.”
185th gas station application withdrawn
In August, we wrote about a proposed gas station / mini-mart at the corner of 185th and West Union. A continuation of the public hearing, originally begun in November 2019, was scheduled for August 20. During the August 20 session, the matter was continued to November, but we just received notice that the application has been withdrawn. We’ve been unable to contact the developer, Robert Barman of West Union & 185th Food Mkt Inc., for comment but it’s not uncommon for a development to be resubmitted after redesign in response to public comments and LUT required conditions.
Columbia Sportswear new building
Notice of approval for a proposed new office building at 14320 NW Science Park Drive has been issued by Washington County. Plans were originally submitted to Washington County in April 2019, and revised and resubmitted in January 2020. The site is currently undeveloped and being used as overflow parking.
Several variances from county code were requested by the applicant, including a reduction in setback from the street from 40 feet to 32 feet; and to increase the allowed building height from 65 feet to 75.5 feet. These were approved.
Columbia Way is a private street on the north side of the development, and will serve as access to this site, as well as a connection to a future Westside Trail within the BPA property to the west. From the Staff Report: “The applicant has planned for this connection to be constructed with the proposed building, and the trail will be located partly on the subject site and [partly] on the property north of the site (also owned by the applicant).”