May 18 election information

If you are registered to vote in Oregon, you’ll receive a ballot in your mail around the end of April, followed by the Voters Pamphlet a few days later. April 27 is the last day to register or update your registration.

We don’t know of any ballot measures that will be on our ballots. Candidates for positions on the boards of a number of local agencies’ will be on the ballot, including the Beaverton School District (BSD), the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD), Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVF&R), and Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD). Complete listings are on the Washington County website here.
Beaverton School District candidate forum
Questions due Monday, April 26 at 5 pm
The BSD Communications & Community Involvement Department will host a Candidate Forum that will be recorded on April 28, and posted the next day on this page of their website.
Community members can submit questions in advance via this form. A moderator will pose the questions to the candidates during the forum. Candidates will have two minutes to respond.
Beaverton Virtual Voters’ Forum
Thursday, April 29, 6:30 pm, broadcast live (see below)
Beaverton Committee for Community Involvement (BCCI) will present a forum for both the Beaverton City Council election to fill the position vacated by Lacy Beaty who is now Mayor, and for the open positions on the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD) Board. Only City of Beaverton residents will see the Council positions, but the THPRD election is for anyone within the District.
The event will be broadcast live on TVCTV’s YouTube feeds (English and Spanish). The video recording will be posted here after the event.
Submit questions here by April 26.