
Luis Palau, 1934-2021
Luis Palau Jr. was an international Christian evangelist living in the Portland area. He was born in Argentina and moved to Portland in his mid-twenties to enroll in a graduate program in Biblical studies. [from Wikipedia]
He met his wife at Multnomah Bible College. They married in 1961 and settled in Cedar Mill. After eight years of missionary work, he returned to Cedar Mill and joined Cedar Mill Bible Church, where he served on the Board of Elders and occasionally preached when his busy schedule allowed.
He passed away in March at his home in Bethany after a three-year battle with lung cancer. More information is on the Palau website.

Suzanne Ballard, 1952-2021
Suzanne managed the farm and market at Dinihanian Farms for a couple of years, around 2014, but she made a big impression on many of us who love local food. Along with owners Vahan Dinihanian and Lillian Logan, she pursued the final steps in converting the former holly farm to a 100% organic farm. They had developed a model for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) that included bringing produce from farms around the valley, thus ensuring that a variety of produce would be available, both for CSA subscribers and for Farm Market shoppers.
In late 2015 Suzanne decided to return to the east coast to look after her aging parents. The CSA ceased operations for lack of a manager. A couple of years ago, she discovered that she had bone cancer. After a lot of aggressive treatment, it spread to her liver and she passed away in late March. We miss her!