Updated vaccination access for Washington County

- The chart says I am eligible for a vaccine. Where and when can I get it?
- I need help to make an appointment
- I need help with transportation to get my vaccinations.
For the latest information on how and where to get your COVID vaccination, visit the Washington County page here. See below if you don’t use a computer or need other help in scheduling your vaccination.

Eligibility: visit the Oregon State site for the updated eligibility chart. (opens as a PDF on state’s website). Pages 2-3 provide details on what counts as an underlying condition and who is considered a frontline worker. Multigenerational households were just added to the April 5 eligibility roster. Sign up for the OHA daily update newsletter to get the latest.
The chart says I am eligible for a vaccine. Where and when can I get it?
There is still less vaccine supply than necessary to meet the needs of everyone who is eligible and wants the vaccine. We ask for your continued patience until we get more vaccine (coming soon!).
Oregon Convention Center: Sign up here and you will be sent an invitation when a vaccine is available to you. Names are selected at random from eligible pool.
OHSU drive-thru clinics at Hillsboro Stadium and PDX Airport Red Economy Lot: Schedule online via OHSU’s tool. New appointments are released Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 am (subject to change). Watch a short video about the Hillsboro Stadium vaccination site and procedures.
Local pharmacies:
Safeway and Albertsons
Walgreens (or 1-800-WALGREENS)
Rite Aid
Fred Meyer
I need help to make an appointment
If you don’t use a computer, here’s a phone number that has been set up specifically to help you get scheduled: 833-907-3520. For general information call 211.
I need help with transportation to get my vaccinations.
For those members enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), either with a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) or as a Fee for Service (often known as “open card”) member, transportation options include: Health Share of Oregon (Ride to Care): 503-416-3955 or 855-321-4899; Trillium (MTM): 877-583-1552; OHP Fee for Service (Tri-County MedLink): 866-336-2906
For individuals not enrolled in OHP who need transportation assistance, there are other options: Ride Connection serves older adults and people with disabilities in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties (Mon-Fri). Call 503-226-0700. TriMet LIFT is a service for people who are unable to use regular buses and trains due to a disability or disabling health condition. Individuals should be enrolled before scheduling. Call 503-962-8000; One Call is for Providence members only. Call 866-733-8994.