Recycling News January 2023

- Tree recycling
- Sunset Band bottle and can drive
- SHS Recycling drive
- PlanetCon returns!
- Recycling electronic devices
- Appliance recycling
Tree recycling
Holiday Light/Styrofoam Recycle Event! +trees!
January 7 & 8, 9 am to 12 pm, Little Store parking lot (down the street from West TV school), 8998 SW Leahy Road
Do you have holiday lights that no longer work, or you simply no longer want? Drop them off with us to be recycled.
Did you get a new TV or other Christmas gift that came packed in styrofoam? Drop off your #6 styrofoam with us to be recycled.
Same days/times as the Boy Scouts Troop 198 Christmas Tree Recycling event. Take care of most of your holiday recycling needs in one trip! Supported by the West Tualatin View Elementary Parent Green Team
Tree recycling
Saturday & Sunday, January 7,8, 14, 15, noon-4 pm, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner, suggested donation $10/tree, $5/wreath or swag
Scout Troop 618/5618 are raising funds in partnership with Bartlett Tree Experts. Deposit cans and bottles also accepted.
[NOTE: if parents involved with these events would make a note to let us know next year, we’ll share in both December and January issues. Email us at]
Sunset Band bottle and can drive
Saturday, January 14, 10 am-1 pm, Sunset Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd
Drop off your redeemable bottles and cans to help us raise funds for marching band & music programs at Sunset HS. Bring them in any container (or use bags we provided), and we’ll give you a new bag for next time.
You can reach us at with any questions. Brought to you by the Sunset Apollos Marching Band & Auxiliary (SAMBA), this fundraiser helps pay for travel expenses, entry fees, uniforms, specialized performance instruction, show design, instrument purchase and repair, purchase of new music and arrangements, and scholarships for students who otherwise would be unable to afford to participate. SAMBA is a 501(c)(3) public charity and supports all the comprehensive Band and Color Guard programs available at Sunset High School. Upcoming dates on the second Saturdays: 2/11, 3/11, 4/8.
SHS Recycling drive
Saturday, January 21, 10 am-2 pm, Sunset High School
The SHS Climate Change Club will collect styrofoam, #6 plastics, and select TerraCycle items! For more information, please visit our website, check us out on instagram at @shsclimatechangeclub

PlanetCon returns!
Saturday, January 14, 11 am-2 pm, PCC Rock Creek campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd, parking lot E and Building 9
Plan now and start collecting items for this great event! January is a good time to sort through your household items. Let us help you find a place to take things you no longer need. Learn more on the website, but here’s a preview!
- Shop the really, really, free table! Drop-off and/or pickup items with a winter holiday decor theme.
- Get something fixed with Repair Fair—small household items.
- Donate usable items—bicycles, eyeglasses, hearing aids, warm winter clothing, and hygiene items will be collected for those in need.
- Drop off items for recycling and proper disposal. Batteries, medications, sharps, and CFL’s (collected by Metro); computers, electronics and other small corded items; some #1 (PET/PETE) and #5 (PP) plastics. Read collection event details carefully.
Information tables will be available on sustainable living topics to help you learn how to reduce your load on our earth.
Volunteer! We need your help to run the PlanetCon show! We’re ready for you to sign up for the role of your choice. New to working at PlanetCon? No worries, we provide training on the day of the event. Reach out with questions to, or just sign up here.
PlanetCon is a FREE community reuse, recycling, and sustainability fair. For complete details check our website. Brought to you by the Westside Planet Alliance with generous support from Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling, Portland Community College, Metro, and Computer Drive Connection.

Recycling electronic devices
Metro has an article on their website about what to do with unwanted tv’s, remote controls, and computers. Did you get new screens for Christmas? Read about many options here. Below that item is more electronic disposal and recycling information.

Appliance recycling
SBC Recycle will take all types of appliances. Some are free, but any appliance with freon there is a charge and their site will tell you how much. You can drop off your appliance during regular business hours at our recycle center on Shaw Street, next to Les Schwab Tires or we can pick up at your location (home or business) for a small fee based on your zip code. Please call us at (503) 914 2721 if you have any questions. Visit the website to learn more.