Special Districts elections in May, filing due in March

The Washington County Elections Division has published the list of positions that will be on the ballot for the May 16, 2023 Special District Election. That list is available on the Candidate and Measure Filings page. March 16 is the last day for a district candidate to file a declaration of candidacy, a nominating petition, or to withdraw. March 20 is the last day to file candidate statements for the county voters’ pamphlet.
Districts electing board members in the Cedar Mill area include:
Beaverton School District four-year term

Positions are open in Zones 3, 6, and 7. Candidates must be a registered voter, live within the School Board Zone that they wish to represent, live in the district for one year immediately preceding the election, and cannot be an employee of the district. Though candidates are nominated from the School Board Zone in which they live, all voters in the district vote on the positions. Please visit the School Board webpage to learn more about what the position entails, and verify the zone that you reside in by viewing the zone map.
At publication time, Melissa Potter and Maham Ahmed have filed for District 3 which encompasses Cedar Mill.
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (4-year term)

The Board is made up of five members elected at-large by voters within the district. Board members must reside within the boundaries of the district throughout the length of their term. Board members set policy and oversee the annual budget of more than $60 million dollars.
Positions are open in Position 4 (Miles Palacios has filed), and 5 (Tya Ping, incumbent, has filed)
Tualatin Valley Water District four-year term elected at large)

TVWD Board members must be a U.S. citizen, registered to vote (18 years or older), have resided in the TVWD service area for six months, and not be employed by the District.
Open positions are Position 4, Position 5 (Jim Doane, incumbent, has filed), Position 1 (2-year unexpired term), and Position 2 (2-year unexpired term, Carl Fisher,incumbent, has filed).
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue District four-year term

TVF&R Board Position 4 & 5 are open, no candidates filed so far.
Special District Election filing forms and instructions can be found on the Washington County website. Candidates also may pick up the forms at the Washington County Elections Office, Suite 170, 2925 NE Aloclek Drive in Hillsboro. For election-related questions, please call 503-846-5800.