Community News February 2023

- Oregon Symphonic Band presents Music Masterpieces
- Sunset HS Marching Band Bottle & Can Drive
- Civics for Adults
- Sunset Youth Lacrosse, register now!
- BRC offers many ways to share the love this Valentine’s Day
- ACMA “Spectacularly 30” celebrates 30 years
- Oregon Chorale presents: The Trials and Festivals of Gilbert & Sullivan
- Mean Girls the Musical
- WCK Parent Speaker Series!
- Fees waived for behavioral health social worker licenses
- Sign up for the Wetlands Conservatory Amphibian Egg Mass Survey training
- Treekeepers presents Tree Walk: Learn to identify local trees
- Bonny Slope Elementary Pancake Breakfast!
- TVF&R offers life-saving tips regarding cardiac arrest
- Join the Cedar Mill Scouts Troop 207
- Viva Village February events

Oregon Symphonic Band presents Music Masterpieces
Sunday February 26, 3 pm, The Village Church, Beaverton. Adults: $20; Military/ Veteran or Senior: $15; Students: Free. Tickets are available at the door or online here.
Join in for an afternoon of beautiful music with conductor and musical director Michael Burch-Pesses. OSB is a premier symphonic band, originally formed in 1986 to allow local professional and expert amateur musicians (many of them music teachers and band directors) to play challenging wind ensemble music. The award-winning band is comprised of 65 brass, woodwind, and percussion musicians. They all volunteer to play together for their love of music. These passionate musicians are some of the area’s best professional and amateur instrumentalists.
Sunset HS Marching Band Bottle & Can Drive
Saturday, February 11, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, Sunset Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd
(Next 3 events on 2nd Saturdays: 3/11, 4/8, 5/13)
Drop off your redeemable bottles and cans to help us raise funds for marching band & music programs at Sunset High School. Bring them in any container (or use bags we provided), and we’ll give you a new bag for next time. You can reach us at with any questions.
Brought to you by the Sunset Apollos Marching Band & Auxiliary (SAMBA), this fundraiser helps pay for travel expenses, entry fees, uniforms, specialized performance instruction, show design, instrument purchase and repair, purchase of new music and arrangements, and scholarships for students who otherwise would be unable to afford to participate. SAMBA is a 501(c)(3) public charity and supports all the comprehensive Band and Color Guard programs available at Sunset HS.
Civics for Adults
Civics for Adults is the brainchild of former educator and librarian, Donna L Cohen MLIS, MEd, to bring non-partisan, content-rich, and interactive workshops to the public, that educate citizens about our political processes and open avenues for civic engagement.
Citizen Activism 101—Making Change Happen
Sunday, February 5, 2:30-4:00. PST. Hillsboro Public Library [OR]. Virtual, Register here.
This workshop discusses: strategies for change; examples of successful advocacy; brief historical perspective; how to choose your battles; asks what matters to you; who makes the rules; how to get heard; and provides tools for change, engaging with government, lobbying for influence, tracking legislative and Congressional bills. Tracking legislation in the Oregon Legislature (OLIS) and having your say on bills! Legislature has just begun!
Beyond Voting: Elections and Campaign Finance
Wednesday, February 15, 3:00. EST! Stoughton Public Library [MASS]. Virtual, register one week before here.
Right to vote? Voter suppression; Election 2024 issues; Redistricting / gerrymandering; Electoral College; Alternative voting systems; Campaign financing issues and tracking

Sunset Youth Lacrosse, register now!
Spring 2023 season runs February 27-June 3, cost varies by age group and team
Teams are now forming for boys and girls, grades K-8. Practices are during the week, with games on Saturdays. Practice day/times are based on field availability. Players must reside in the Sunset High School boundary and must be a member of USA Lacrosse. New players are always welcome. Visit our website to register and for more information.
BRC offers many ways to share the love this Valentine’s Day
Open House, Wednesday, February 1 from 9 am to 1 pm, through gift cards, donations, and more
During the month of February, the Beaverton Resource Center (BRC) is holding its annual “Love Your Neighbor” campaign to help raise awareness and support for our Beaverton neighbors in need.

The idea behind the’ campaign began last year when the BRC decided to use the popular Valentine’s Day holiday for its first fundraising drive. The campaign has grown this year and includes: an Open House for anyone interested in “Sharing the Love” to their partners through spotlights all month on social media; asking supporters to “Share the Love” with their neighbors in need by hosting their own gift card/toiletry drives for the BRC; gifting items from our Amazon Wishlist; and/or donating online to the general fund to support BRC’s financial assistance program. If you donate before Friday, February 10, you will be entered to win two tickets to see Smith & Yarn at The Reser on Saturday, February 25.
The BRC is a local organization that focuses on serving Beaverton residents during times of need with a drop-in center and resources including financial assistance. By connecting those struggling with hunger, housing insecurity, and poverty with an array of social service partners and resources, BRC hopes to create more stability and ease for their clients. Learn more here.

ACMA “Spectacularly 30” celebrates 30 years
Friday, February 17 & Saturday, February 18, 11375 SW Center Street, Beaverton, $30
Arts and Communication Magnet Academy invites you to celebrate their anniversary! Doors open at 6 pm for special pre-show performances and a student art sale on both nights, Show begins at 7 pm. Buy tickets at here.
Oregon Chorale presents: The Trials and Festivals of Gilbert & Sullivan
Friday, March 10, and Saturday March 11, 7 pm, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 3228 SW Sunset Blvd, Portland, tickets on sale soon.

Oregon Chorale and Light Opera of Portland join forces for a special performance showcasing 19th-century English composer Arthur Sullivan. The concert will feature Sullivan’s sacred work, the Festival Te Deum, for choir, keyboard, and soprano soloist. This lesser-known work from 1872 comprises seven movements with traditional sacred text. The concert’s second half will showcase Sullivan’s comedic side with the popular 1875 Trial by Jury, one of the first works Sullivan wrote with poet W. S. Gilbert. The one-act operetta, which has no spoken dialogue, tells the story of a “breach of promise of marriage” lawsuit while poking fun at the legal system.
Oregon Chorale, founded in 1985, performs engaging choral music and provides educational outreach to foster connection and promote a lifelong love of music. Light Opera of Portland is a resident musical repertory company performing live light opera and musical theater productions specializing in the works of Gilbert and Sullivan.
Mean Girls the Musical

March 9,10,11,16,17, 7 pm; 18, 2 pm matinee. Tickets sold at the door or online on this page later this month.
Sunset High is the first high school in Oregon to get the rights to put on the production! Mr. Rust, the choir director, heard that they were releasing the rights to the show last summer, called Mr. Farmer and they jumped on it.
We’ll have more information next month, but mark your calendars and plan to enjoy a night at the theater and support our student thespians!
Follow Sunset Theater on Instagram for updates.
WCK Parent Speaker Series!
Back by popular demand! The Washington County Kids’ virtual Parent Speaker Series will be coming in March. Topics that are on our radar:
- Depression and Mental Health
- Helping kids improve their social skills/relationships
- What to do to help your kid who has experienced trauma
- Gender identification issues
- How to help your kid who is experiencing bullying
- Safe and healthy screen time in the digital age
Sign up for the WCK newsletter, and watch for more information on how to sign up to attend.
Washington County Kids (WCK) is a nonprofit organization that works to increase funding and support for out-of-school-time programs that enable success for children and youth in Washington County. Their website has resources and information to help parents find after-school care and more.
Fees waived for behavioral health social worker licenses
Aspiring behavioral health social workers in Oregon will not have to pay a fee when they apply for their license between Feb. 1, 2023, and Feb. 19, 2024. A license normally costs between $200 and $460.
This program, along with a similar program announced earlier this month that waives social worker exam fees, removes barriers for potential applicants to help rebuild and retool a behavioral health workforce that was decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sign up for the Wetlands Conservatory Amphibian Egg Mass Survey training
Saturday, February 4, 10-11:30 am, via Zoom. Click here to sign up.
Sign up to train as an urban amphibian surveyor and then attend guided surveys throughout the Portland Metro Area including Cedar Mill Wetland! We’ll identify, count, and map submerged frog and salamander egg masses together before they hatch and swim away in the April sun! No experience or commitment necessary. Everyone who’s interested in learning about amphibians in the Portland Metro area is encouraged to join.
Treekeepers presents Tree Walk: Learn to identify local trees
Saturday, February 18, 1:00 pm, Cedar Mill Creek Greenway. Register here and to receive instruction on where to meet up
Join Joanne and Susan on a one-half mile, soft-surface loop trail around the Cedar Mill Wetlands to enjoy some native trees including Willamette Valley Ponderosa pines, Black cottonwoods, willows, Oregon white oaks, and others like the massive Coastal redwood that inspired our first tree walk. Bring your umbrellas and suitable clothing, as this walk takes place rain or shine. Sign up now, as space is limited!
Bonny Slope Elementary Pancake Breakfast!

Saturday, February 11, 7:30-10:30 am, Bonny Slope Elementary cafeteria. Pre-sale tickets $5/per person, $25/family of 6; at the door: $7/per person, $35/family of 6. For tickets and to enter the raffle click here or scan the QR code.
Bonny Slope’s 5th grade class will once again host a pancake breakfast for the school and surrounding community, with proceeds going toward Outdoor Science School adventures. Wear your coziest flannel and come enjoy a fluffy-buttery-syrup-soaked breakfast with friends, family, and neighbors, and help support this valuable program and the students. Questions? Email Bonny Slope Community Organization (BSCO) at
TVF&R offers life-saving tips regarding cardiac arrest
During American Heart Month, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue invites you to join us in raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and the importance of immediately calling 911 in the event you or someone nearby experiences symptoms.
Unlike a sudden cardiac arrest that strikes suddenly and includes a loss of consciousness, a heart attack can develop slowly enough that you’re not aware you’re having a medical emergency. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is severely reduced or cut off completely.
Symptoms typically include: Chest discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and returns. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain; upper body discomfort, such as pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach; and shortness of breath before, during, or after other discomforts. Other signs, include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.
The most common heart attack symptom for women and men is chest pain or discomfort. However, women are more likely to experience other symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, back or jaw pain, pressure in the lower chest or upper abdomen, dizziness, fainting, or extreme fatigue.
The heart is a muscle. It can deteriorate with each passing minute you delay medical treatment. Don’t ignore your symptoms, and don’t drive yourself to the hospital. Firefighters often hear heart attack patients say, “I wasn’t sure it was a heart attack,” or “I didn’t want to bother anyone.”
A heart attack can cause sudden cardiac arrest when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. Sudden cardiac arrest leads to death when the heart stops working properly. This can be reversed if CPR is performed, and a defibrillator is used to shock the heart and restore a normal heart rhythm.
Studies show that CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest patient’s chance of survival. Your assistance in performing hands-only CPR until crews arrive can make a difference. Hands-only CPR has just two easy steps: Call 911 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest to the beat of the disco song “Stayin’ Alive.”
Remember, TVF&R crews are here for you. Our highly trained firefighter paramedics can diagnose a heart attack and start treatment right away. Crews can also relay your EKG information to the hospital, enabling its staff to activate special heart teams and prepare for your arrival.
For more information, visit us on our website.
Join the Cedar Mill Scouts Troop 207
Regular troop meetings every Tuesday, 7:15 pm, Christ United Methodist Church, 12755 NW Dogwood St, Portland
Since 1928, Cedar Mill Scouts Troop 207 has been having fun, providing service, and growing youth into resourceful, responsible leaders for nearly 100 years! Members develop and practice leadership skills by planning and conducting their own weekly meetings, working on rank advancements, service projects, and taking monthly camping trips. All boys ages 12-18 welcome. Visit our website or email: for more information.
Viva Village February events
Viva Village is a Beaverton-area grassroots organization of members and volunteers who focus on enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well. We provide connections, programs, volunteer services, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives. For more information visit our website. Please RSVP for all events by contacting or 503-746-5082. Links for zoom meetings will be sent to those who RSVP. Members-only events are listed on the website and in the web version of Cedar Mill News.
Viva Village events open to the public:
Women’s Coffee (In-person)
Wednesday, February 1, 8, 15, 22, 10 am. Meet at Jim & Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th
Coffee and conversation. RSVP recommended
Age Café
Friday, February 3, 11-12 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th Street
Small group conversations exploring new topics each month of interest to older adults. Co-sponsored by Viva Village, Beaverton City Library, Beaverton Committee on Aging, and Wash. Co. DAVS. Registration recommended.
Online Viva Village 101
Saturday, February 11, 10-11:30 am, via Zoom
A fun and informational session about Village life for prospective members and/or volunteers. RSVP for Zoom link.
Viva Village Forum
Monday, February 20, 2-3:30 pm, United Methodist Church, Wesley Room, 12555 SW 4th Street
Topic: Stories Create Connections. Eric Foxman of The Portland Storytellers’ Guild will inspire and entertain us with fun, informative, and delightful stories. He will also share storytelling techniques and guidelines. Refreshments served. No charge. RSVP recommended.
Men’s Coffee Break
Monday, February 27, 10-11:30 am, Ki Coffee, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160
Conversation and coffee. RSVP recommended.
Online Viva Village Book Club
Tuesday, February 28, 1-2:30 pm, via Zoom
Selected book: Horse by Geraldine Brooks. RSVP for the Zoom link.
Viva Village events for members and volunteers:
Online Tai Chi Classes
Thursdays, February 2, 9, 16, 23, 10-11 am
Practice Tai Chi technique with certified instructor, Richard Chew. RSVP for Zoom link.
Viva Village Nature Walk
Saturday, February 4, 9:30 am, Commonwealth Lake Park
Park near the corner of SW Dellwood Avenue and SW Foothill Drive, RSVP recommended.
Online Mindfulness Classes
Mondays, February 6, 13, 20, 27, 11-11:45 am. Last 4 of 8 classes
Befriend Your Inner Critic. Learn how befriending your inner critic can help you live more mindfully. In this series of classes, instructor Martha McJacobs will focus on an overview of the Inner Critic. RSVP for the Zoom link.
Online Women’s Coffee
Tuesdays, February 7, 14, 21, 28, 10 am
Join members and volunteers for a morning of coffee and conversation. RSVP for Zoom link.
Dine Around Beaverton and Beyond
Wednesday, February 8, 1 pm. Red Lobster, 10330 SW Greenberg Road (near Washington Square Mall)
Join members and volunteers for lunch and conversation. Participants must be vaccinated.
RSVP required. Space limited to 12 people.
Life Stories
Tuesday, February 14, 2 pm. Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road
Viva Villager Pat Malone will talk about his epic hike along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. RSVP recommended.
Online Living Solo
Thursday, February 16, 4 pm
Share ideas and insights about solo living. RSVP for the Zoom link.
Online Movie Discussion Group
Wednesday, February 22, 5 pm
The films are available on Kanopy streaming service offered by the Washington County Library. Check the Viva Village calendar for more details. Join the discussion to share your impressions. RSVP for the Zoom link and more information.
Thursday Evening Social Group
Thursday, February 23, 5:30-7:30 pm. The Oswego Grill, 3211 SW Cedar Hills Blvd
Enjoy an evening of dinner and conversation with Viva Village friends. RSVP required. Seating is limited to 12.
Fun with Games
Friday, February 24, 1 pm, Viva Village Office, 4905 SW Griffith Drive, #104
A fun afternoon playing the old favorite Rummikub or learning a new card game, Swoop! RSVP
required. Limited to 12 game players.