Community News August 2022

- NW Restart presents NW Creations Night Market
- Sunset HS Marching Band Bottle & Can Drive
- Beaverton Night Market
- Conflict Resilience Workshop
- Beaverton Flicks by the Fountain presents Encanto
- Bethany Village summer concert
- The Link of Pure Love
- Viva Village
- Sharing the road with farmers in Washington County
- TVF&R offers tips to prevent window falls
- WCSO investigates child predators
NW Restart presents NW Creations Night Market

Friday, August 5, 6-9 pm, Summa Real Estate Group, 11830 NW Cedar Falls Dr., Ste. 120, Timberland Town Center, free
Celebrating local talented artists and their wares, to benefit the Domestic Violence Resource Center. Those who donate can enter to win a gift basket full of the evening’s creations. Please click here for details.
For more information please contact: Bethany Marsh, 503-707-7796,; or Adam Peña, 509-840-2644,
Sunset HS Marching Band Bottle & Can Drive
Saturday, August 13, 10 am-1 pm, Sunset Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd.
(Next 3 events on the 2nd Saturday: 9/10, 10/8, 11/12)
Drop off your redeemable bottles and cans to help us raise funds for marching band and music programs at Sunset HS. Bring them in any container (or use bags we provided), and we’ll give you a new bag for next time. You can reach us at with any questions.
Brought to you by the Sunset Apollos Marching Band & Auxiliary (SAMBA), this fundraiser helps pay for travel expenses, entry fees, uniforms, specialized performance instruction, show design, instrument purchase and repair, purchase of new music and arrangements, and scholarships for students who otherwise would be unable to afford to participate. SAMBA is a 501(c)(3) public charity and supports all the comprehensive Band and Color Guard programs available at Sunset High School.
Beaverton Night Market
Saturday, August 13, 5-10 pm, The Round, 12600 SW Crescent St.
Brought to you by the City of Beaverton, this will be the last market for the summer. Enjoy entertainment, sports and cultural activities, lantern making, and over 65 food and product vendors and 15 performers. See event guide details here. This is an event not to be missed!
For all the details please visit the Market website.
Conflict Resilience Workshop
Begins Thursday, August 4, 10 am-12 pm, via Zoom and continues various days and times through August. Registration is required.
Join Beaverton’s Center for Mediation & Dialogue for a four-part workshop on Conflict Resilience where participants will learn skills to transform conflict into productive dialogue. Topics include building self-awareness when in conflict, understanding conflict styles, practicing effective communication skills, and fostering a conflict resilient culture.
The Center for Mediation and Dialogue, a program of the City of Beaverton, provides conflict resolution and community-building services to create safer, more peaceful, and inclusive communities.
Beaverton Flicks by the Fountain presents Encanto
Friday, August 26, City Park, SW 5th and Hall Blvd. Activities begin at 6:30 pm; movie begins at dusk.
A free outdoor movie on a giant inflatable screen! Food available or bring your own picnic. To find more details please click here.

Bethany Village summer concert
Thursday August 18, 6-9 pm, 4720 NW Bethany Blvd.
Join the local tradition spanning nearly 20 years! Live music with Hans & The Wanted.
Intermission Acts: Bethany US World Class Taekwondo Martial Arts Academy and the Portland Dance Center. Participant activities include pony rides from Wish Upon a Pony; carnival rides from National Event Pros, and more!
The Bethany Village Summer Concert Series features a variety of vendors, live music, intermission acts featuring local young talent, carnival rides, kids activities, and more! For details please click here.
The Link of Pure Love

Saturday, August 13, 2:15-3:30 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman, free
Join us for a very special in-person Rakshabandhan celebration, filled with wisdom, reflection, and significance. The ancient, auspicious festival of Rakshabandhan focuses on the power of pure love. Within every human soul exists the sacred memory of our eternal connection to God and the subconscious feeling that we belong to the family of humanity. The link of love between my heart and God’s is the thread that protects, empowers and heals. The link of love between each human soul is the thread that, when tied with purity, can transcend differences, and unite us in brotherly love.
Awaken the memories of these links of love. Feel the warmth of God’s presence touching your heart and the spiritual love that weaves each of us together in the tapestry of life.
For more information, email, or call: 541-343-5252.
Viva Village
Viva Village is a Beaverton-area grassroots organization of members and volunteers who focus on enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well. We provide connections, programs, volunteer services, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives. For more information visit our website. Please RSVP for all events by contacting or 503-746-5082. Links for zoom meetings will be sent to those who RSVP. Members-only events are listed on our website and in the web version of The News.
Open to the Public
Online Viva Village 101
Saturday, August 13, 10-11:30 am
A fun and informational session about Village life for prospective members and/or volunteers.
Age Café
Friday, August 12, 11–12 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th Street
Topic: “Boundaries” Small group conversations exploring topics of interest to older adults. Co-sponsored by Viva Village, Beaverton City Library, Beaverton Committee on Aging, and Wash. Co. DAVS. Contact Viva Village for registration information.
Men’s Coffee Break
Monday, August 22, 10–11 am, Ki Coffee, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160, Beaverton 97005.
Conversation and coffee. RSVP recommended.
Village Forum In-Person
Monday, August 22, 2–3:30 pm, United Methodist Church, Wesley Room, 12555 SW 4th Street, Beaverton
Topic: “We Need to Talk” The Transition from Driver to Rider. An AARP® presentation with tips and advice about determining when it’s time to limit or stop driving, plus transportation alternatives when driving oneself is no longer an option. Lots of time for questions! Refreshments served.
Members and Volunteers Only
Online Mindfulness Classes
Mondays, September 1, 8,15, 22 and 29,11 am
Participants use meditation techniques.
Online Tai Chi Classes
Thursdays, August 4, 11, and 25, 10–11:30 am
Learn Tai Chi technique with certified instructor, Richard Chew.
Women’s Coffee In-Person
Wednesdays, August 3, 8, 10, 17, 24 and 31,10 am, Jim & Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th, Beaverton, RSVP recommended.
Viva Village Nature Walk
Saturday, August 6, 9:30 am, Lowami Hart Woods Natural Area. 14895 SW Hart Rd., Beaverton, RSVP recommended.
Life Stories
Tuesday, August 9, 2 pm, Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Rd., Beaverton
Viva Village member Lorna Fossand will talk about “Life, Intuition, and Other Side Doors”—a life filled with art, reflection, and adventure. RSVP recommended.
Dine Around Beaverton and Beyond
Wednesday, August 10, 1 pm., Si Señor Restaurant, 8220 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton 97008.
Lunch and conversation. Participants must be vaccinated. RSVP required. Space limited to 12 people.
Online Living Solo
Thursday, August 18, 4 pm
Share ideas and insights about solo living.
Patio Picnics
Friday, August 19, 12 pm. Viva Village member’s home.
Enjoy small group conversation and lunch on outdoor decks and patios. Bring your own lunch. RSVP required by Wednesday, August 17. You will be contacted with the host’s address.
Online Movie Discussion Group
Wednesday, August 24, 5 pm.
August movies will be available in late July on the Viva Village calendar. Movies are available for free on Kanopy streaming service offered by the Washington County Library.
Sharing the road with farmers in Washington County

Summer is a busy time for agricultural communities. As crops ripen over the summer and into the fall, farm workers are putting in long, hard, (and often hot!) days to move those crops from the fields to market. The Willamette Valley is one of the most diverse agricultural regions on Earth due to its rich, fertile soils and ample rainfall. Washington County is among the top-producing agricultural counties in the state with agricultural land making up about 25% of the county’s land area. Our farmers produce almost 100 types of crops with grass seed, greenhouse plants, wheat, dairy products, and berries accounting for the highest crop revenues.
Increased summer traffic means it’s time for extra road safety on rural roads. During harvest seasons, you may encounter farm equipment, like a combine or tractor, on rural roads. These vehicles can be wider than the road lanes and travel at speeds under 25 mph. To safely share rural roads with slow-moving vehicles, keep in mind the following tips. First, caution signs posted on rural roads alert drivers of slow-moving vehicles. Second, watch for other signs. You may see a “CAUTION” sign or a bright orange triangle on the farm equipment. These are indications that you should slow down and watch for slow-moving vehicles. Thirdly, be patient. Farm equipment can be loud to operate, and the driver may not be aware that you are behind them. If it is safe, they may pull over to let you pass, but this isn’t always possible. Make sure to keep a safe distance. Lastly, pass with caution. Only pass slow-moving vehicles in designated passing zones and not within 100 feet of any intersection, railroad grade crossing, bridge, or tunnel.
Read more about which crops will be harvested in the next couple of months on the Tualatin Valley Soil and Water Conservation District website.
TVF&R offers tips to prevent window falls
Windows are one of the top five hidden hazards in the home. Each year falls from windows account for about eight deaths and more than 3,300 injuries to young children in the United States, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue crews want to prevent any devastating window falls from occurring. Window screens are not strong enough to keep a child from falling out of a window. They are designed to keep bugs out, not kids in.
Because children frequently land on their heads, many require hospitalization for fall injuries and may have permanent disabilities. In Oregon, most falls occur between May and September but can happen anytime windows are open.
The encouraging news is that simple steps can help prevent injuries. As a partner in the “Stop at 4 Inches Campaign to Prevent Window Falls,” TVF&R urges parents and families to continue their commitment to window safety. Please share the following tips with friends, family, or anyone else who has children living in or visiting their home:
Keep windows closed and locked when not in use. Keep furniture and anything a child can climb on away from windows. Do not open windows more than 4 inches and install window stops.
Window stops prevent windows from opening wide enough to allow a child to tumble out. Window stops should be easily removed by an adult in the event of a fire or other emergency, as windows serve as a secondary means of escape. For a double-hung window, open the top portion near the ceiling for ventilation while keeping the bottom portion closed. Actively watch children near windows—no device can replace adult supervision. Encourage children to keep a safe distance away from windows. Ask about window safety when your child visits other homes.
Please visit our website for more information about window safety, appropriate safety devices for your style of windows, and locations to purchase window stops and guards.
WCSO investigates child predators
Washington County Sheriff’s Office detectives regularly conduct undercover operations, both full-scale stings and day-to-day chats, targeting child predators. Investigators use a variety of social media platforms posing as underage boys and girls. People contact the undercover investigators online and offer to meet the person they believe to be a child for sex. When they arrive to meet the child, they are instead contacted by law enforcement and arrested. During these missions, multiple people immediately end their conversations once they learn the person they are talking to identifies as a minor.
On June 2, the Sheriff’s Office conducted a child predator sting, arresting four individuals for the felony crimes of luring a minor and online sexual corruption of a child in the first degree. Detectives are concerned there may be more victims of these four individuals and are asking anyone with additional information to call the Sheriff’s Office at 503-846-2700.

Detectives encourage parents, guardians, and caregivers to help their children stay safe online, monitor their online use, and be aware of their mobile applications. The Sheriff’s Office provides education for parents and community organizations. For more information, contact Public Affairs.
This item is from the current issue of Sheriff’s Office News, a free monthly e-newsletter available via subscription. Sign up to get helpful tips and the latest WCSO news.