CPO News September 2022

September meeting agenda: Recycle+ How-to; WashCo Housing
Tuesday, September 13, 7-9 pm, via zoom
After updates from our service providers, we will hear from neighbors concerned about the lack of pedestrian and bike facilities for students along McDaniel and 119th. We may vote to send a letter to the county.

Then we’ll hear from Community Engagement Coordinator Ty Schwoeffermann on the county’s Housing and Homeless Services programs. He will be available to answer questions about services for the homeless people we’re increasingly finding in our neighborhoods. What are their rights, what are ours, how can we help them and keep our families safe.
Then we’ll learn more about the practical side of Recycle+. Now that the service is available to residents through our haulers, Kari Walker McCullough from Walker Garbage and a staff person from Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling will visit to help us understand how to get the most from the service. What goes where, how clean, etc. Avoid wasting your recycling efforts by understanding how it works! A representative from the Sunset High Climate Club will join us to describe the organization’s recycling efforts.
Click the zoom link above to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. And please “subscribe” to our YouTube Channel! Like us on Facebook for timely updates.