Cedar Mill News news November 2022

cover of January 2003

by Virginia Bruce

As we near the beginning of our 21st year of publishing Cedar Mill News, I wanted to share some changes and talk about our plans.

We have a new Managing Editor, and he’s taking some of the burden off me! He is an expert in workflow systems, which is wonderful!

We changed the name after issue 1

That will give me more time to work on my pet project—to develop a franchise model for other communities to use to create their own hyper-local news publications. We’ve learned a lot over 20 years, and we know that local journalism makes a big difference. I worked on a plan with a team of business majors from Portland State a few years ago on a Capstone Project that all graduating seniors do before they graduate. But it’s been hard to step far enough away from the monthly work to get anywhere, so maybe 2023 will be the year we can accomplish it. Anyone familiar with franchising? I’d love to talk with you!

We’re developing plans for celebrating our 20th anniversary in January! We’ve come a long way from that first issue! And we’d love to hear from you if you have ideas or want to help. Maybe an in-person event? A podcast? Stay tuned.

Pacific Office Automation

And now, introducing Evan Kinswood!

Hi, I’m Evan–your new Managing Editor here at the Cedar Mill News. We have an all-volunteer editing staff, so my role is to hand out assignments to our editors who process the submissions we receive monthly from organizations, businesses, agencies, clubs, etc. across our community to get them ready to publish on the web and in print. I’ve been getting up to speed on this position since September.

I was pleased to meet so many of you at the Cider Festival and I’m feeling confident that I’ll be able to bring a lot to the team moving forward. I joined the News to keep a finger on the pulse of our local goings-on and to put my tech-savvy skillset to good use enriching the lives and knowledge of my fellow neighbors.

As a Digital Services & Creator Consultant, I’ve helped individuals and businesses get the most out of their digital services, save money and time on ineffective applications, migrate their analog processes online, and actually enjoy using technology solutions! I’ve also helped people and organizations start their websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and TikTok accounts to take their creative ideas from concept to published. To learn more about me, check out my website: evankinswood.com