Garden News November 2022

- Make your community pollinator friendly
- Growing the Good Stuff: from Sweet Potatoes to Bitter Melons
- Education Garden gets certified
Make your community pollinator friendly
Tuesday, November 1, 7-8 pm, via Zoom, registration required, free
Matthew Shepherd of the Xerces Society will discuss a variety of ways in which you can get involved with making your community pollinator friendly, from creating a garden habitat to advocating for action at city hall. Matthew will also introduce you to the work of the Xerces Society and the many resources that are available to support your efforts to make our gardens, parks, and neighborhoods better for bees—and if we all do something, together we can have a big impact. For more information and to register, please go to the Washington County Master Gardener™ Association (WCMGA) website.

Growing the Good Stuff: from Sweet Potatoes to Bitter Melons
Tuesday, November 8, noon-1 pm, via zoom (registration required, free
Many vegetable gardens contain the classic tomatoes, lettuce, and parsley, but have you ever tried growing sweet potatoes, okra, luffa, or bitter melon? In this presentation, we will discuss diverse types of specialty and culturally relevant vegetables, fruits, and herbs and how these can be grown in home gardens in Oregon. Topics will include methods for extending the growing season, how to address challenges like daylength in subtropical vegetables, and where to get locally adapted seeds. With knowledge, care, and tips from our presenter and other intrepid gardeners, you can learn how to grow the flavorful foods you love to eat.
Education Garden gets certified

WCMGA Education Garden at PCC Rock Creek is approved to become an American Conifer Society (ACS) Reference Garden! We join the Oregon Garden and Hoyt Arboretum as one of only three gardens in the state of Oregon designated as an ACS Reference Garden. Our sincere thanks to Elizabeth Price and Lisa Hansen and their dedication to make this happen. And thanks to Jim Vargo for his work early on and David Sandrock for support from PCC RC. IF you haven’t visited this garden, it’s easy to find on the southwest area of the PCC Rock Creek campus.