Road News December 2021

Barnes/CHB intersection improvements
We’ve all been suffering through the extensive roadwork at Barnes and Cedar Hills Boulevard (CHB). Why is it happening, and what will we have at the end of the process?

Life Time Beaverton is under construction, and is expected to open for business sometime in 2023. It includes a large fitness facility with indoor and outdoor pools, exercise, sports, childcare, food service, spa, and more.

The development also includes Life Time Work Beaverton, a co-working space with tech, social, and lifestyle amenities. Subscriptions include full access to the fitness and recreation facilities.
The development application was approved by Beaverton in 2019, but the pandemic slowed the start of work. Construction began in earnest in summer this year. Beaverton required extensive road improvements, including road widening, additional travel and turn lanes, bike lanes, and sidewalks to accommodate increased traffic that the development will generate. Road improvement requirements start on page 10 of this document, which is part of the packet of materials available on the Beaverton development website. If you want to delve into the details, view the documents under the heading “Decision.” (Scroll down the page to Lifetime Fitness.)
Road jurisdictions are complicated in this area. We asked Beaverton Current Planning Manager Jana Fox for some guidance. She explained that ODOT owns CHB including the on-and-offramps and the portion under the freeway. Washington County has jurisdiction north and south of the freeway as well as over all of SW Barnes Road. Choban Lane and the under-construction 116th Avenue (between Life Time and Si Señor) will be City of Beaverton jurisdiction.
Upper Saltzman—another PAC meeting, Open House, BCC briefing
Thursday, December 16, 5-7 pm, via zoom
Since at least 2005, county engineers have been eyeing the northern end of Saltzman Road (Bayonne to Laidlaw) to improve safety on the narrow winding “thrill ride.” A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) was formed in August 2020 to study some alternatives.

After months of meetings, the majority of PAC members voted for the western alignment. Then we were called back in February 2021 to be told that a modified design for the eastern alignment was under consideration.
Another PAC meeting is now scheduled for December 16. Interested members of the public are welcome to attend and comment (two-minute limit). Comments can also be submitted prior to the meeting by emailing LUT Project Manager Ben Lively.
The county page on the project is here. It notes that an online open house will be held sometime in early 2022. LUT is planning to make a presentation to the Board of Commissioners at their February 15 Work Session meeting.
See Bruce Bartlett’s article on the history of the Thompson Road alignment in this issue.