BSD News October 2021

- 32nd Annual Sunset Classic Marching Band Competition
- Sunset Grad Party 2022 October Fundraisers
- Join the BSD Budget Committee
- Tumwater Middle School launches theater program
32nd Annual Sunset Classic Marching Band Competition
Saturday, October 16, Sunset High School
Opening Ceremonies for Prelims at 12:45pm; SAMBA Performance at 3:07pm; Preliminary Awards 3:32pm; Opening Ceremonies for Finals at 5:30pm; SAMBA Performance at 7:52pm; Final Awards at 8:27pm. Adults $15, Students and Seniors $10, Children 6-12 $5, Under 6 free. Pay at the gate with cash or a credit card.

Sunset High School will again be filled with the sound and spectacle of marching bands from around the Pacific Northwest during the 32nd annual Sunset Classic, hosted by SHS’s competitive marching band, Sunset Apollo Marching Band and Auxiliary (SAMBA), along with the SAMBA volunteers and the Northwest Association for Performing Arts (NWAPA). Ten bands from Oregon and Washington, including SAMBA, will perform and compete for trophies in categories such as music, visual, and general effect.
The Sunset Classic is the primary event to raise money supporting all band programs at SHS throughout the year. Under the direction of Greg Hall, Director of Bands, Sunset enjoys one of the premier band programs in the Pacific Northwest. Students are offered a wide variety of musical alternatives including marching band and color guard, jazz band, funk band, and symphonic band.
SAMBA strives to keep the programs accessible to all interested students, regardless of their ability to pay. It takes over $100,000 a year to support the Sunset High School band and color guard programs. The school district cannot fund these activities. Without community support these opportunities for participation and leadership would disappear.
SAMBA could not exist without community support, volunteers, and brilliant students. The band and color guard thanks all the volunteers, guests, and bands that will be going to the Sunset Classic. SAMBA also thanks those who donate their cans and bottles, the poster sponsors, and all other supporters of the band and color guard. If you can’t attend but want to donate, visit the donation page on the SAMBA website. For questions, email
Sunset Grad Party 2022 October Fundraisers
A committee of parents is starting to plan and raise money for the traditional end-of-term party for 2022 graduating seniors. We’ll continue to bring you information about fundraisers and other ways you can help celebrate these young people!
Our annual Willamette Valley Pie Sale is going on now! Submit your order by October 22. Pie pick-up will take place at Sunset High School on November 6, 11 am-12:30 pm. For more information email
You can order online and pay via credit card here. OR you can download the form found at that page and turn it in/mail it to Sunset High School along with your check payment.
MOD Pizza Fundraiser
Wednesday, October 20, online or in store
Visit MOD Pizza’s online order website and use the coupon code of “GR201556S” and 20% of your meal’s price will be donated back to Sunset High School Grad Party.
Or visit the location at 2695 SW Cedar Hills Blvd Suite 190 and they will take your order from their storefront for take-out. Mention that you are with Sunset High School Grad Party before placing your order.
Bethany Public House Fundraiser
Wednesday, October 27, 4840 NW Bethany Blvd
Take out or dine in—mention the Sunset Grad Party and they will contribute to our cause!
Bottle & Can Collection
Sunday, October 31, 12 noon-4 pm, Findley Elementary parking lot, 4155 NW Saltzman Rd
Bring us your clean bottles & cans.
Join the BSD Budget Committee
The Beaverton School District has five vacancies on the Budget Committee and seeks a diverse candidate pool. These positions are in School Board Zones 3 (which serves the Cedar Mill area), 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The Budget Committee conducts business in evening public meetings held between November and June. The committee reviews the District’s budget and recommends needed changes. It then approves the budget and forwards it to the School Board for adoption by the end of June.
Individuals interested in serving on the Budget Committee are required to live in the zone they wish to represent. Candidates must also meet the following qualifications: 1) be a registered voter of Washington County, 2) have lived in the District for at least one year and 3) cannot be a Beaverton School District employee. Budget Committee members will be appointed by the School Board.
If interested, please visit the Budget Committee Vacancies webpage for more information and to apply.
Tumwater Middle School launches theater program
The Beaverton Education Foundation (BEF) held a blitz fundraising drive to provide seed money for Tumwater Takes the Stage, an effort to kickstart a theater and drama program for our newest school.

The initial project raised $3500 in one month—with matching funds from BEF—to get the program up and running. BEF is able to provide these start-up and matching funds with contributions from our community throughout the year. A great way to continue to support Tumwater Middle School and all 54 schools in the District is through our donation portal. That gives BEF the flexibility to allocate funds to schools and projects with the most need!
Due to Covid-19 concerns, TMS Theatre’s premiere year will host two productions, but they plan for three each year in the future: a traditional play, a one act festival, and a musical. Ticket sales from these performances will go to fund the program the following year, so come and see them!