Business News October 2021

- CMBA—polish your online presence
- Village Gallery of Arts
- Celebrate International Credit Union Day with Sunset Credit Union
- Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market
- Donate blood at the Golden Valley Brewery
- Bring sorted recyclable material to James Recycling

CMBA—polish your online presence
Tuesday, October 12, noon, via Zoom
The Cedar Mill Business Association continues monthly speaker and networking meetings via Zoom. Our speaker this month is Sean Kuriyan with “eightandtwo.” Sean will share his knowledge on topics that can improve your online presence, track your website’s performance, and save you time. Topics that will be covered include SEO and local search, tracking and marketing analytics, marketing automation tools, project management and collaboration tools, and outsourcing.
CMBA Members will receive the Zoom link through the Monthly E-Blast. We invite guests to two free visits at no charge. Please contact Tammy at to receive the link to meeting information. For more information about the Cedar Mill Business Association, please visit our website.
Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market
Saturdays, 9 am-2 pm, corner of NW Cornell and Murray Rd, in the Safeway parking lot

Fall is here, but we’re still open! Come visit us through October 16 to shop and support some awesome local businesses. There is something for everyone at the market, and we want to make sure you can stock up on your favorites before the season is over.
We also want to say a big thank you to everyone who has shopped with us this year. We truly love being your Farmers’ Market and helping you bring local goods into your homes each week. Together, we get the opportunity to support a wide variety of local businesses and help our community thrive. What could be better?
There are just a few weekends left, and we don’t want you to miss out! We hope to see you soon.
Village Gallery of Arts
Our mission is “to ignite the joy of learning, creating, and appreciating art in our community. We support professional and emerging artists by providing high quality affordable art education to children and adults as well as providing venues for sharing their work.” Village Gallery of Arts is a non-profit (501c3) organization, receives no taxpayer money, and is staffed entirely by member volunteers.
Featured Artist Medha Joshi:

My art form is Lippan, a traditional mural craft of rural Gujarat, India, made with clay and mirrors. My murals are mounted on wood, but the traditional substrates are the inside walls of homes. Each petal and leaf must be shaped within a few seconds, as they dry quickly.
Featured Artisan Rae Campbell:
As my work has progressed, I have incorporated some of my earlier art into my glass work—I have progressed from simple abstract glass pieces to adding photo images in glass. More recently, I’m learning how to bring the look of my fiber arts background into my recent work. It is not fabric, but glass stringers that resemble woven fabric.
Big, Bold Painting by Lana Nelson: “Autumn Lake,” oil and recycled materials on canvas
This painting was a journey during the pandemic. It began as an unfinished hooked rug project from 50 years ago and rose in 2020 from storage in my attic to express the unreality of our world in 2021. I think the momentous and dramatic overture from the ballet, “Swan Lake,” also works with “Autumn Lake.”
Artists’ reception
Sunday October 10, 3-5pm
Meet the artists and enjoy the new show with refreshments and a cold beverage.
Classes and Workshops
Registration is online for all classes and workshops. Please see the Village Gallery of Arts’ website for details. In-person classes are held at 1060 NW Saltzman.
Children’s in person class—VGA Instructional Team
Thursdays, October 7, 14, 21, and 28, 3:45-5pm; four session class.
Thursdays, November 4, 11, and 18, 3:45-5pm; three session class.
Both sections have a maximum of eight students. Masks required.
Join an exciting class learning a variety of art forms. A crew of rotating instructors from our gallery will provide students a chance to explore media and approaches while building their artistic concepts and skills. Look forward to both 2D and 3D projects each month. All supplies are included. Each class will feature a different instructor.
Adult classes and workshops
Kim Black: Pine Needle Basketry—In-person class
Friday, October 22, 8:45 am-2:45 pm. Maximum 10 students. Masks required.
This one-day class will cover beginning pine needle basketry skills. Students will start from a wood base and complete a four-inch dish using two stitches. Material preparation will also be covered. This class is a fun way to learn a new skill. All supplies are provided by instructor. Bring your lunch.
Kim Black: Beginning Gourd Class—In-person class

Saturday, October 23, 8:45 am-2:45 pm. Maximum eight students. Masks required.
This class will cover the basics of working with gourds. We will learn how to clean, cut, dye, wood burn, paint and add pine needles to a gourd. The class does not require previous pine needle basketry skills. Please bring an apron, a mask and any designs you may wish to put on your gourd. Bring your lunch.
Jean Anderson: Acrylic Basics Class
Mondays, October 25 and November 1, 9 am-noon, via Zoom. Maximum eight students. Two session class.
You will learn the basics of acrylic painting while painting several small floral and landscape paintings during this fun class. This class will cover what to paint on, how to prep the canvas or panels, how to mix, the difference in acrylics, how to thin acrylic and extend your painting time. After this class, you will be comfortable using acrylics. Detailed supply list provided after enrollment.
Jean Anderson: Neurographic Art, Beginner, Class 1
Tuesday, October 26, 9 am-noon, via Zoom. Maximum eight students. One session class.
Want to relax, bring the power of your subconscious mind to solve problems, find peace, and make abstract art? This is the class for you! Neurographic art comes from the work of Pavel Piskarev, a Russian psychologist, and no drawing skills needed. As you follow the simple instructions I give you, you will make beautiful art and silence your inner chatter. We will learn the foundation of the method and practice, and you will leave comfortable in your ability to do this for small and large pieces. This class is a requirement for Neurographic Art Basics 2 and 3. All you need is white paper and a black permanent pen.
Jean Anderson: Neurographic Art, Class 2
Saturday, October 30, 9 am-noon, via Zoom. Maximum eight students. One session class.
As the second class in my series of Neurographic art offerings, this class will build on the skills learned in Class 1. We will take the beautiful pieces that were produced in the first session to their end product—I’ll supply you with more information on how to use color, texture and art products to finish off your paintings. Neurographic Art Basics is a prerequisite for this class. All you need is a black permanent pen, paints, brushes, and paper.
Jean Anderson: Chickens in Watercolor and Acrylic
Tuesday, November 2, 11 am-1 pm, via Zoom. Maximum eight students. One session class.
To bring your paintings to life, it is always helpful to add humans and animals. We’ll be painting lots of chickens during this class. You’ll have all the skills needed to add these fun additions to your painting—or paint just a chicken. My demos will work for either watercolor or acrylics, and a detailed supply list is provided upon enrollment.
Emily Stevens: Painting on Fabric/Making Gifts for the Holidays—In-person class
Thursday, November 11, 10 am-3 pm. Maximum 10 students. Masks required.
Explore painting on fabric—clothing, greeting cards, tote bags, aprons, tee shirts, or wall hangings— and learn basic techniques using fabric paints and mediums. All supplies are provided by the instructor. Go home with painted textile art samples that may be used for gift giving or other uses. Bring clothing or fabric you want to paint on.
Jean Anderson: Watercolor Batik
Wednesday, November 24, 10 am-1 pm, via Zoom. Maximum eight students. One session class.
This is a fun and interesting technique on nontraditional paper using centuries-old batik techniques to create beautiful watercolor batiks. I will provide you with tips on painting with watercolor on rice paper, including the type of rice paper to use. You will learn how to mask using wax with an old brush or traditional batik tools. Full written instructions are included with the class. Recordings of each class will be available for a limited time. A detailed supply list is provided upon enrollment.
Celebrate International Credit Union Day with Sunset Credit Union
Why do hundreds of millions of people worldwide choose credit unions? Because each credit union puts an emphasis on providing service to its members and local communities. That local service—community by community—contributes to a global reach to more than 291 million members.
As cooperative and democratic financial institutions, credit unions’ success depends on the success of their members and their community. On October 21, Sunset Credit Union will join more than 86,000 credit unions from 118 countries to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of International Credit Union Day .
Credit unions strive to make the world a better place for their members by offering affordable rates and high-quality service that simplify their lives and empower them to meet their financial goals. Visit Sunset Credit Union to learn more about how their products and services can simplify your life.
Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union is open to anyone who lives, works, or attends school in Washington County. For more information, stop by their office—1100 NW Murray Blvd #200— or visit their website.
Donate blood at the Golden Valley Brewery
Thursday, October 7, 11 am-4:30 pm, 1520 NW Bethany Blvd.
We’re hosting a blood drive in our parking lot, and every donor that provides a pint of blood will receive a coupon for a free pint of beer! Schedule your appointment by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS, or visit this page and find the date and the event to sign up.
Bring sorted recyclable material to James Recycling
Saturday, October 16, 10 am-12:30 pm, Columbia Sportswear Headquarters, 14375 NW Science Park Dr.
James Recycling is collecting sorted recyclable materials at their October recycling drive. Pricing is set at $3 per five-gallon bag of recyclables and $3 per 39-gallon trash bag of Styrofoam. For a list of accepted items and the payment portal, please visit their website.
Two vendors, Simple Sundries and OkiDoki, will have a selection of their products available for purchase at the drive. Additionally, Simple Sundries will set up a collection table for personal care pumps. These pumps include lotion pumps and hand soap pumps that can be recycled.