Join an advisory board, represent your community!

Boards and commissions in Washington County, the City of Beaverton, and Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District have openings, and they are the perfect way for individuals to explore their interests while giving back to their community. Serving on a board or commission allows residents to make their voices heard, meet others with similar interests, and play a role in decisions that involve them.
Washington County Boards and Commissions
The Washington County Board of Commissioners is accepting Board and Committee applications through November 2 (or until all vacancies are filled). The application portal and a detailed list of vacancies can be found on the County’s website. Here are a few examples of WashCo opportunities.
Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council
This Council plans for future services and reviews current programs for veterans and the elderly. Consumers over age 60, minorities, an elected official, Veterans Healthcare Provider, Veterans Provider, general public, under 60 veteran, and rural are among the categories who should be represented. This is a three-year term; the time commitment is five to ten hours per month. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every other month from 9 am to noon.
Planning Commission
Nine Washington County residents serve on this board. No more than two members can be principally engaged in the buying, selling, or development of real estate or be engaged in the same occupation. This commission advises the Board of County Commissioners on land use and transportation while conducting public hearings, making final decisions on land use plans, and conveying recommendations to the Board. This is a four-year term with a time commitment of five to ten hours per month. Meetings are held on first Wednesdays at 1:30 pm and third Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
Audit Committee
Five members who are knowledgeable of accounting and auditing (as demonstrated by professional employment in accounting, auditing, or finance) serve on this Committee. One additional appointee will be from the membership of the Board of County Commissioners. The Audit Committee prevents an over-reliance on external auditors. This is a three-year term and the total time commitment for this position is three hours (two meetings per year).
Behavioral Health Council
19 members who are Washington County residents or have work interests in Washington County are needed for this council. The council will identify community needs, recommend funding priorities, and help select and evaluate service providers. This is a three-year term with a time commitment of two to three hours per month. Meetings are held on fourth Wednesdays from 9 am to 11 am.
Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD) Advisory Committee
Committee members must be residents or business owners in the ESPD. This advisory committee works with the Sheriff and other officials from the Sheriff’s Office to review and recommend aspects of police service. This council will decide on long-term Sheriff/enhanced law enforcement and community partnership programs. This is a three-year term. Meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month from 4-6 pm.
Housing Advisory Committee (HAC)
Fifteen members that reflect a diversity of skills serve on this council. The HAC’s purpose is to ensure that Washington County’s housing needs are being met. Members may be called upon to review and recommend actions, advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors, and recommend resources that can fit the needs of low-income housing. This is a four-year term, with a time commitment of a minimum of two hours per month. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday at 9 am.
North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee
This committee consists of the Board of Commissioners plus five additional residents of the county, who reside in the North Bethany CSDR. Committee members will review the proposed budget for the North Bethany County Service District for roads in unincorporated Washington County. This is a three-year term. Meetings will be held twice every May for approximately three hours per meeting. Additional meetings may be added.
Public Health Advisory Council
The Council consists of 15 to 17 members representing diverse backgrounds in Washington County alongside a non-appointed, non-voting position from the Board of Commissioners. Preference of membership will be given to members of communities that experience health and social inequalities. Overall, the Washington County Public Health Advisory Countil will make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and the Public Health Division Manager to improve the health and well-being of everyone in Washington County. This is a four-year term, with a two-hour monthly time commitment. Meetings will be held at least ten times annually on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm.
Public Safety Coordinating Council
The Public Safety Coordinating Council is made up of 15 members required by statute, two of which are non-voting members. This Council was formed to develop and recommend plans for the use of state resources respective to the coordination of local criminal justice and juvenile justice policy. This is a two-year term. This council meets six times per year in bimonthly meetings beginning on the third Friday of January from 1-3 pm. Council members have a time commitment of approximately four hours per month, and meetings can be attended either virtually (via Zoom) or in-person.
Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC)
URMDAC is comprised of ten Board-appointed residents of the Urban Road Maintenance District, all of whom serve as regular members, and two ex-officio members. They review and make recommendations regarding URMD’s level of service and annual work program, assist in evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficiency of URMD, inform URMD activities and advise on continuation of URMD and/or other long-range funding opportunities for road maintenance. This is a four-year term and the committee meets two hours per month. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday at 3:45 pm.
Beaverton Boards and Commissions
The City of Beaverton is also seeking community members who are interested and available to participate in various boards and committees. The application portal, alongside a full list of boards and commissions, can be found at the City of Beaverton’s website.
Beaverton Arts Commission
This commission celebrates our diverse community through art by advocating for the arts, supporting city arts events, and advising staff and City Council on arts-related issues. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm.
Diversity Advisory Board (DAB)
The Diversity Advisory Board promotes policies and practices that build equity and inclusion in city government. Priorities include these eight key areas: language access, individual and family support, public safety, economic opportunity, infrastructure and livability, health and wellness, city practices, and multicultural community center. This Board meets on the second Monday of every month at 5:30 pm.
Library Advisory Board
The Board serves in an advisory capacity and approves expenditures from the Library Trust fund. Meetings are monthly on second Wednesdays.
Planning Commission
Reviews and recommends changes to the City’s comprehensive plan, zoning ordinances, and other long-range planning and development policies and ordinances. The Planning Commission considers issues involving subdivisions, annexations, capital improvements, transportation and circulation. Meetings are weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
THPRD Advisory Committees
The Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District encourages community members to apply for openings on the district’s three Advisory Committees and its Budget Committee. Applications are available on the website. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, October 25. Advisory Committee volunteers review plans, provide feedback, and take part in lively discussions about district programs, facilities and parks.
Nature & Trails Advisory Committee:
Share your enthusiasm and expertise for natural resource management, environmental education, wildlife, and trail development and use.
Parks & Facilities Advisory Committee:
Focus on park design, helping making spaces accessible to everyone, community gardens, dog parks, athletic facilities, and historic properties.
Programs & Events:
Advise the district on what programs should be offered and expanded, provide input on district-wide community events, and review programming content in recreation, sports, aquatics, environmental education and more.
People of all backgrounds and experience levels are encouraged to apply, including high school age youth. These positions are critical to represent the broad perspectives of district patrons. Applications will be reviewed, and appointments made by the THPRD Board of Directors. Terms will begin in January 2022.