CPO News April 2023

- April CPO1 meeting
- CPO 7 Special Event
- March meeting notes
- LUT Transportation Improvement Project Update
- Recycling Basics, Food Waste Reduction and More
April CPO1 meeting
Tuesday, April 11,7-9 pm via zoom (possibly also in person, please visit the website and our Facebook page for updates)
After the Land Acknowledgement and updates from our service providers, we’ll share any development information we have received and provide time for announcements.
Then we’ll learn about Washington County mental health, addiction, and homeless services from members of Health & Human Services and other county information providers. Learn about Behavioral Health Services including programs for mental health and addictions with Nicholas Ocon, Behavioral Health Division Manager.
Hear about Washington County’s approach to solutions for people without housing with Emily Roots, Public Affairs and Communications Coordinator, and Katherine Galian, Continuum of Care Program Manager,

Our second topic of the evening is: Who’s on our May Ballot?
We’ll get a ballot for the May 16 Special District Election in our mailboxes in late April. Meet candidates for the boards of Beaverton School District, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, Tualatin Valley Fire District, and Tualatin Valley Water District. All candidates who will be on our ballots have been invited. An updated list of attendees will go on our Facebook page.
Click the zoom link to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. Like or follow our Facebook page for timely announcements of interest to all our neighbors in CPO 1 (Cedar Mill, Cedar Hills, Bonny Slope). We think our content is too good to only share it with those who can attend on a weeknight!
CPO 7 Special Event
Monday, April 10, 7-8 pm, Bethany Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 15505 NW Springville Road
County Chair Kathryn Harrington and Commissioner Pam Treece will discuss: Budget Next Steps; ARPA Update; CPO Re-Envisioning Update.
March meeting notes
By Bruce Bartlett, CPO 1 Vice Chair
Patty Schilasky, Washington County Sheriff’s Office liaison, reported that calls-for-service have not increased. Their Community Academy is starting on May 10 and runs weekly for 10 weeks.
Nicole Paulson with Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, said lots of volunteer opportunities are offered at thprd.org/connect/volunteer, especially needed are lifeguards, and basketball and volleyball coaches. (See Park News for more information.)
Andrea Watson, Tualatin Valley Water District liaison , announced assistance and delayed payment options are available for those challenged to pay their water/sewer bills, available here.
CPO1 Steering Committee member Fran Warren announced that the county’s Goal 5 economic assessment effort is starting in an effort to respond to the need for “clear and objective” development codes for Significant Natural Resource areas.
Melissa Potter announced her candidacy for the Beaverton School Board. Be sure to attend the April meeting for a candidate forum.
LUT Transportation Improvement Project Update
Washington County Land Use & Transportation project Manager Ben Lively talked about the Filbert Street Sidewalk Project and the Thompson Road Project (Saltzman Road to Marcotte Road). Project Manager Andy Morris presented on the Thompson Road Realignment (Kenny Terrace). See LUT Transportation Improvement Projects for more information.
Recycling Basics, Food Waste Reduction and More
Cosette Lemos is an AmeriCorps member serving with Washington County Solid Waste and Recycling. She provided current information on aspects of the county’s efforts to help us recycle and, better yet, avoid producing trash and garbage in the first place! In answer to a question, she said in some cases getting stuff delivered may be more sustainable than going to the store!
A video recording of the March 2023 meeting is posted on our YouTube page.