Cider Festival returns!

Sunday, September 18, noon-4 pm, JQA Young House Park, 12050 NW Cornell, free, parking in the Bible Church lot after 12:15 pm

The annual Cedar Mill Cider Festival returns after two long years of the pandemic. We will bring together history, music, food, and fun for the community on the grounds of the historic John Quincy Adams Young House in Cedar Mill. The site is part of the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD), which sponsors the event.

Scouts from Boy Scout Troup 208 have made it a yearly tradition to use antique cider presses to make free samples of fresh cider for everyone. They may also be joined by some scouts from Troop 207 this year! Apples will be donated by Safeway.
Lunch will be available from noon from Fertties Barbecue food truck. Guests can enjoy lunch on picnic tables while listening to the folksy Americana music of Lauren Sheehan and her String Band.
Browse the food and craft offerings of local vendors along Vendor Alley and try a henna tattoo. Learn more about our library, tree preservation, gardening, and more at the information booths. The THPRD Rec Mobile will be onsite to provide games and activities for kids.
New this year, Rev. Nat’s Hard Cider will provide sample tasting and sales of hard cider for offsite consumption!

Learn about Cedar Mill history in the big History Tent! From the Atfálati (Tualatin) Indians who lived here before the pioneers, through the pioneer era of immigration, to the early 20th century, we have some great stories to tell. The JQA Young House restoration team will share plans for preserving the John Quincy Adams Young House, built in the 1860s by the owner of the mill who later became the first postmaster and named the community.
For more information, visit the website or like us on Facebook. Questions may be directed to Virginia Bruce, 503-803-1813 or
The grounds are wheelchair-accessible, although the area is not paved and can be rough in spots.
Free parking is available after 12:15 pm in the Cedar Mill Bible Church parking lot; look for the signs on Cornell. TriMet lines 62 Murray and 48 Cornell serve the site and depart from the Sunset Transit Center.
If you’d like to help us let everyone know about the event, share the event on Facebook or download and print the poster!