CPO News July 2023

bonnie hays

July CPO Meeting

Tuesday, July 11, 7 pm, hybrid via zoom and at Cedar Grove East Community Room, 13400 NW Cornell

After the Land Acknowledgement and updates from our service providers, we’ll share any development information we have received and provide time for announcements from CPO members.

bonnie hays

The program begins with an update and future plans from Washington County Animal Services. Randy Covey, Manager of Washington County Animal Services and the Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter, will present a slide show on services provided, and share information on the future planning process underway to determine the needs for a new animal shelter. Q&A time will also be provided. He is planning to join in-person at Cedar Grove, and the presentation will also be live-streamed on Zoom. Sign up for “Animal Tales,” their newsletter, and read the latest issue here.

Then we want to know: What do you value about the CPO program and your CPO? As Washington County evaluates the future of the CPO program, we welcome your feedback on what the program offers you and the community. Even if you’re not able to attend the meeting, please let us know with an email to cpo1leaders@gmail.com

You now have the choice of meeting online via zoom, or in person in the East Community Room at Cedar Grove Apartments at the corner of Murray and Cornell. If you are driving, please either park on the street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot.

Cedar Grove meeting room available

Cedar Grove Apartments, at the corner of Murray and Cornell, has space that they are happy to share with community groups for public meetings. The rooms are spacious and have seating, sinks, and a big screen that can be used for presentations and hybrid zoom/in-person meetings. Contact Lazarus Mavis, Property Manager, at 503-992-6716 or cedargrove@ipmco.com. Parking is available on-street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot, but not in the tenant parking lot.

Marie Conser Real Estate

Future of the CPO system

CPO leaders from around the county have been working on an alternate proposal to present to the Board of County Commissioners. The BCC sent OEICE back to revise the plan they presented in May. We felt that created an opening for us to present an alternative. A survey will be sent to the leadership group, Committee for Community Involvement (CCI) to help us reach consensus about our needs in providing community involvement on land use issues, as required by Goal 1 of Oregon’s Land Use Laws.

burton partition map

Neighborhood meetings

A meeting was held on June 26 to discuss a two-parcel partition for two new residences on the property at the northwest corner of Burton and 138th. Neighbors were concerned because at a previous HOA meeting they came away with the impression that there would only be one home on the lot. County zoning (in this case, R-6) requires a “shadow plat” to be indicated when the zoning requires more homes on a lot than are currently proposed, as the developer and the property owner explained. They said only one large home was proposed and the other lot could be used for the owners’ children. Neighbors also got reassurance that the lot would be mowed and maintained, and landscaped once the partition was approved. Questions can be sent to Northwest Engineers, elizabethn@nw-eng.com.

Development Applications

Partitions are the first step in development. Once approved, a developer will still need to submit plans to LUT for approval.


A three-parcel partition was approved with conditions for the property at 10875 NW Rainmont  Rd. We wrote about the project in the May issue here. The partition is to allow for several residential lots to be created that would have access off NW Tudor Lane.

One of the conditions of approval is that there be “no public use of the soccer facility/former horse arena. No for-profit or not-for-profit commercial use for soccer camps and/or training sessions or sports clinics shall be conducted on the site. Use will be limited to members of his immediate family.” The developer proposes to preserve the pond and wetland and almost all of the associated vegetated corridors.


A three-parcel partition was approved for .51 acres at the corner of SW Taylor and 95th. Street trees, fences, and a sidewalk are required.

June CPO 1 meeting

We didn’t get minutes for the June meeting but the video is available here. The main topic was Washington County and the State SNR Abatement Order, which prevents the county from approving new development on Significant Natural Resource areas. Fran Warren, CPO 1 Steering Committee member, introduced the topic. We heard from Jill Warren, CPO 4M, on the history of their efforts that led to the stay. Jim Long shared an extensive list they have compiled of the ‘critters’ who inhabit the land they wanted to protect. We then heard from Stephen Shane and Theresa Cherniak about the county plans to respond to the Order.

Prior to the SNR presentation, we heard from Mark Dane about his proposal for seven townhomes at the south end of Dale.