Library News July 2023

- Writers’ Mill
- Owl Book Group
- Voices in Verse
- Save year-round through Second Edition Resale!
- Library Book Sale
- Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries Events and Programs, July 2023
Writers’ Mill
Sunday, July 16, 1-3 pm, hybrid
Join a local & global community of writers meeting in person at Cedar Mill library or online over Zoom! Erick Mertz will talk about creating short stories. Find out more on the Portland Writers’ Mill website, where you can sign up to receive newsletters, or you can ask our friendly librarians. New members and occasional visitors are always welcome!

Owl Book Group
Friday, July 28, 10:30-12, Cedar Mill Library, hybrid
Learn which titles the group will be discussing each month by visiting our website calendar. Meetings online via Zoom and in person.
Voices in Verse
Saturday, July 22, 10:30-12, Zoom
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites.
Save year-round through Second Edition Resale!
Tuesday-Saturday, 10-4, and Sundays, 12-4, 1050 NW Saltzman Rd., east of the library
Visit Second Edition Resale for new-to-you treasures at unbeatable prices! Look for colored dots to save 50%-75% off. All proceeds from your Second Edition Resale purchases and item donations support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries.
Upcoming Themes: Beach & 4th of July: July 1-2; Beach & Nautical: July 3-9; Tropical: July 10-August 6. Learn more at our website, and see the store’s latest treasures on Instagram and Facebook (@SecondEditionResale).
Library Book Sale
CMBCL’s Book Sale offers over 2,000 titles at great prices waiting to be yours! 100% of your Book Sale purchases and donations benefit the nonprofit Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries. Questions about donating? Call (503) 644-0043 x 116 or visit the Cedar Mill Library website.

Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries Events and Programs, July 2023
All Ages:
Find Your Voice: 2023 Summer Reading Challenge
Everyone can participate in our Summer Reading Challenge. Visit the Cedar Mill Library website to learn more.
Rick Huddle’s Scaredy Squirrel Retro Reboot Music Show
Wednesday, July 12, 10:30-11:15, Cedar Mill Library
Friday, July 14, 10-10:45, Bethany Fountain
Sing and dance to parodies of 80’s rock music mashed up with fun picture book characters! Enjoy music from REM & The Clash, and stories from Melanie Watt, Mo Willems and more!
Bethany Village concert
Thursdays, July 13 and July 27, 6-9 pm, Bethany Library
Drop by the Bethany Library Annex during the summer concert for fun outdoor activities and to play games inside while cooling off!
Huehca Omeyocan
Saturday, July 29, 11-12, Cedar Mill Library
Join Huehca Omeyocan for a colorful and vibrant performance of Mexico-Chichimeca dance, music, art, and culture. Eduardo Cruz Torreys Amictlan sets the rhythm with a Huehuetl drum and his wife and main dancer of the group Maria Elena Cortes Duran Malinalmiquiz leads the dances which connect the natural world, human body, and spirit with everything that exists. A display table with culturally significant items and information will be set up during the event as well.
Don’t miss August events like LEGO Free Play, Kids Dance Party, Pokémon Party, and an Escape Room! Find more fun for kids on our kids’ webpage.

Stuffed Animal Campout
Friday, July 7, 10-5, Cedar Mill Library
Bring a stuffed animal from home and drop it off with library staff. Your stuffy will experience an overnight sleepover in the library and learn what happens in the library after hours! Pick up your stuffy and receive a link to photos of their adventures the next day.
Comedy for kids!
Wednesday, July 19, 10:30-11:15, Cedar Mill Library
Friday, July 21, 10-10:45, Bethany Fountain
Join us for an energetic one-man variety show with Angel Ocasio. It will be a fun and interactive performance featuring physical comedy, music, magic, juggling, and more!
Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, July 22, 12-3, Cedar Mill Library, ages 9+
Start playing Dungeons & Dragons with a short adventure for beginners and families! Children under 11 must attend with an adult. Registration required.
Oregon “Rocks!”
Wednesday, July 26, 10:30-11:30, Cedar Mill Library, ages 6-11
Friday, July 28, 10:30-11:30, Bethany Library Annex, ages 6-11
Take off on a geology adventure and explore our ever-changing planet Earth. Dig into rocks, fossils, earthquakes, and volcanoes through hands-on activities and rockin’ specimens, discovering the dynamic forces that have shaped Oregon’s landscape over time. Brought to you by the UO Museum of Natural & Cultural History.
Family Storytimes
Tuesdays & Fridays, through August 11, 10:30-11, Cedar Mill Library, ages 2+
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, through August 9, 10:30-11, Bethany Library Annex, ages 2+
Join us for stories, rhymes, songs, and movement! Learn more about all storytimes at the Cedar Mill Library website.
Fun for Ones
Thursdays, through July 27, 10:30-11, Cedar Mill Library, ages 12-24 months
Join us for songs, rhymes, stories, and movement while making new friends!
Fridays, through July 28, 11:30-12, Cedar Mill Library, ages 0-12 months
Share songs, rhymes, stories, and playtime while learning about early literacy skills and socializing in a supportive environment.
Teens & Tweens:
Don’t miss August events like Teen Movie Night, Teen Crafternoon, and an Escape Room! Visit our teens’ webpage for more.

Teen Game Night: Super Smash Tourney
Friday, July 14, 6-8 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Compete in our Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament! Meet your friends and play console games together. Switch, Wii and Gamecube games are available. Tournament will be played with library consoles and controllers, but participants can bring well-labeled controllers to use with non tournament devices. All characters available except DLC. Registration required.
Teen Crafternoon: tote bag painting
Sunday, July 23, 2-3:30 pm, ages 11-18, Bethany Library Annex
Make your mark by artfully decorating a tote bag with a design of your choice! Materials provided. Registration required.
Don’t miss August events like Winterize Your Garden, Takohachi X, and Skills for Bridging the Divide. Learn more about library groups and events for adults on our adults’ webpage.
Spanish Conversation Hour
Wednesday, August 10, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Want to practice your Spanish with other language learners? Join us for a Spanish language conversation hour every second Wednesday of the month in-person at the Cedar Mill Library. The conversation hour is not an instructional course but rather a great opportunity to chat and improve your Spanish language skills through facilitated conversation.
Health Coverage Basics
Friday, July 14, 2-3:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Wednesday, August 30, 4-5:30 pm, Bethany Library Annex
Join a representative from the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace to talk about health coverage basics and how special enrollment periods work.
Tell Your Story: interactive writing workshop
Friday, July 14, 10 am, zoom
Everyone has a story to tell, and everyone has someone who wants to hear their story. Whether you are currently working on your memoir, thinking about starting one, or just curious about the practice of personal storytelling, join us for an interactive workshop with journalist and memoir writer Nancy West. If you’ve already done some memoir writing and would like to share, please bring a 2-3 minute excerpt to read aloud.
Library “Appy” Hour

Thursday, July 20, 3:30-5, Cedar Mill Library
Explore apps and digital services at Cedar Mill Library’s Appy Hour. Learn how to put your smartphone or tablet to better use with must-have library apps. In just minutes, we can help you install Libby, Kanopy, Mango Languages, and more on your mobile device. Enjoy refreshments while mingling and sharing your favorite apps with your neighbors! Be sure to bring your mobile device: whether it’s a laptop, e-reader, tablet, or smartphone. Bring your library card, or come a little bit early and sign up for one. Remember, if you have an Apple device, make sure you know your Apple ID. This drop-in event is free and open to the public.
Taste of Oregon: Ice Cream Tasting
Thursday, July 26, 6:30-7:30 pm, Bethany Library Annex
Join us on a fascinating journey of ice cream production, from ideation to recipe development. Join Allison Sodha, Founder of Cup & Cone, and learn what inspires their unique and all-natural ice cream flavors. At the end, sample several regional and global favorites. Vegan, nut free, and gluten free flavors will be available. Space is limited, so please register!