Cedar Mill Community Club updates

by Jan Dempsey
Our next meeting will be held September 20, 6-7 pm in the Cedar Mill Library conference room and via Zoom. The August meeting will be waived because of summer vacations. All other meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of every month from 6-7 pm, and will be in person and via Zoom.
Some changes have been made in the organization of the Club: Virginia Bruce has stepped back from leading the Club and has asked Jan Dempsey to facilitate it.
We have three upcoming events that will need our immediate attention at our September meeting: the Cedar Mill Cider Festival, Sunday, September 24, needs volunteers; Adopt A Block organization and implementation, which Ric Battaglia has said he may chair; and our Holiday Tree Lighting, which Chris Mattocks will organize. Please attend if you would like to volunteer on any or all of the committees. To volunteer for the Cider Festival: email Virginia Bruce. To volunteer for Adopt A Block & Holiday Tree Lighting: Email Jan Dempsey.
Our Club is looking for an Administrator for Facebook, as well as a media person to help in setting up Zoom at our monthly meetings. We also need a volunteer with experience as a Graphic Artist to help us in developing a Club logo. If you are any of those people, contact me at the email below.
We look forward to seeing you September 20!
Jan Dempsey, jdempsey@windermere.com, 503.706.6358