Cider Festival update

Sunday, September 24, noon-4 pm, JQA Young House Park, 119th & Cornell

The Cedar Mill Cider Festival has been sponsored by the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD) since 2007. (With two years off because of COVID, this marks our 15th event!) The festival is a local celebration of food, music, and history. This year’s festival will feature music, barbecue, freshly pressed apple cider, and fun for the whole family.

We’re getting an exciting lineup of craft and food booths for “Vendor Alley,” including Ukrainian bakers, candles and soaps, and much more. Information booths for local organization will provide kids activities, garden help, books, and other activities. A full list will be on the website mid-August.
Our Logo Contest gave us some great entries—now we have to choose! We are planning to make up stainless steel cups with the new logo that will be available for pre-order and purchase on-site. In addition to being a cool collectible, we hope they can help cut down on the mountains of paper cups generated by the free cider samples. (Paper cups will still be available!)
Live music from Lauren Sheehan and her band will set everything in motion. Fertties BBQ will provide delicious lunch from their bright red truck, we hope we’ll have an ice cream cart for desserts, and Rev. Nat’s Hard Cider is returning with a selection of adult beverages. As usual, THPRD, our sponsor, will bring the RecMobile to provide activities for the kids.
And don’t forget to visit the big History Tent for a window into Cedar Mill’s past. Friends of the JQA Young House will have a tent nearby to share information on restoration activities to keep the house sound for its eventual renovation (see History in the News for more on that). They’ll also be selling apple and pear saplings cloned from the trees next to the house!
If you’d like to be more than a visitor, there are volunteer jobs including general site patrol, booth wrangler (helping vendors find their spot and get checked in), and plenty of help needed both before and during the event for setting up and helping out at the History Tent. To volunteer, contact Virginia Bruce by email or text/phone (503-803-1813). Visit the website and like the Facebook event for updates!