CPO News August 2023

No CPO meeting in August

We usually skip the August meeting. See you on September 12!
Development News
We haven’t received any new development applications at this time. We received the Notice of Decision and Staff Report approving the realignment and extension of Thompson Road from Kenny Terrace to Saltzman. See “Road News” in this issue for more information.
No Neighborhood Meeting notices have been received.
July meeting notes
The program featured an update and future plans from Washington County Animal Services. Randy Covey, Manager of Washington County Animal Services and the Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter, presented a slide show on services provided, and shared information on the future planning process underway to determine the needs for a new animal shelter.
The program was supposed to be in-person at Cedar Grove in addition to being on Zoom, but a misunderstanding led to several folks waiting at Cedar Grove and no meeting there. We apologize and it won’t happen again!
The meeting was recorded and is available on YouTube. Visit our Channel to see more meetings.