CPO News June 2020

CPO 1 June meeting
Tuesday, June 9, 7 pm via *Zoom conference
Once again this month our meeting will be via Zoom. Everyone’s welcome to “tune in” using the Zoom link. Community Engagement staff will be on hand at the beginning of the meeting to explain how it all works and how you can participate.
As usual, we’ll begin with community announcements and general public comments. If you have something you’d like the community to know about, this is your time to speak up! Next it’s time to hear from representatives of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, TVF&R, and Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District if they are available. If you have questions for any of these agencies, you’re welcome to ask.
At 7:30, our first topic is The Cedar Mill Town Center Plan: Where do we stand now?

Andy Back, Division Manager, LUT Planning and Development Services, will present on the Cedar Mill Town Center plan. Mr. Back was involved in the initial project beginning in 1978, when a group of Cedar Mill residents asked for Cedar Mill to be added to Metro’s Town Center planning effort. The County’s work on roads and requirements for new commercial buildings in the Town Center area have been based on the ideas in the plan,
Following Back’s presentation, John Southgate, Economic Development consultant for Washington County, will discuss how economic conditions affect the plan and its future. Do property owners have sufficient incentive to redevelop? Does the county provide enough guidance to make a pedestrian-friendly commercial area a reality?

Turn lane for Cornell?
The recent proposal to add a right-turn lane on Cornell at Barnes has prompted a community discussion about traffic congestion on Cornell. The Town Center Plan led the county to make the decision to add parking all along the street. One of our questions is whether the theoretical plan is working well enough to justify the congestion, or if the road should be five travel lanes between Murray and Saltzman, eliminating the parking lanes. There’s an Online Open House for the proposed turn lane open until June 7. If you haven’t already participated, please do so now!
At about 8:15, we’ll have a District 2 Update with our Washington County Commissioner, Pam Treece.

She will join us for a general update about county business, and a report on how the Board of County Commissioners has been working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
*If you haven’t used Zoom before, the link will prompt you to download the app. It works best on a device (laptop, desktop, or phone) with video and audio capabilities. If you’re new to Zoom, we recommend clicking the link well before the meeting so you can accomplish the download and be ready to join the meeting when it begins. There’s a test function to help you get started. The County IT team has taken all the necessary steps to assure a safe online experience. Learn more about Zoom and sign up for your own free account here: https://zoom.us/. If you have Zoom on your device, please make sure it is the latest version, as recent updates have increased security and functionality. For other ways to join the meeting, visit the CPO 1 June meeting page on the county website.
Neighborhood meetings
At press time, there are no Neighborhood Meetings scheduled after we print. We’ll add any that come in to this web page. We have received notes from these meetings held last month.
Garage and carport upgrade, 200 SW 95th Ave.
The Vos explained to their neighbors that they are converting a garage to living space, and building a new garage within the footprint of the carport. The house and garage were both built before Washington County established setbacks from the road, and the application will fall under the Nonconforming uses and structures section of the building code. The general opinion was that the proposed changes would enhance the neighborhood.
Three-parcel partition of 2200 NW 113th Avenue

Owners are proposing to divide the property into three parcels for single-family homes, to be accessed by a private street. Half-street improvements along 113th will be required (widening and a sidewalk is typical). In response to a neighbor’s question, Wayne Hayson, Pioneer Design Group, explained that most of the trees will need to be removed. Six-foot fencing will afford some privacy, and additional planting may be considered. Construction is not anticipated to begin before summer 2021.
NW Laidlaw subdivision, 11835 NW Laidlaw and 11740 NW Laidlaw
Westlake Consultants is working with Noyes Development and the owners of several properties located between 11835 NW Laidlaw and 11740 NW Laidlaw (both north and south of Laidlaw) in applying to the county for land use approval to subdivide these properties in two phases. The north property would be developed with 18 lots, and the south properties would have 23 lots.
During the meeting, neighbors asked about water and sewer lines, traffic, and schedules. We haven’t received the notes so we’ll update this article when we do.
Catlin Gabel expansion
We received meeting notes but we still haven’t received images. Between the pandemic and Catlin’s other issues, it may be a while before we can bring you further information.

Touchmark third building

A meeting was held on Thursday, June 6 to discuss a new addition to the Touchmark in the West Hills senior living complex. Touchmark is proposing to build a Senior Independent Living facility east of the two existing buildings. The structure will include 45-55 homes for seniors. No word at this time whether they would be sold or rented. Because it will be at a higher elevation than the two existing buildings, they’re expected to offer good views of the valley.
Ordinance 854
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, June 17, 6:30 pm; Board of Commissioners hearing Tuesday, July 21, 10 am.
A new proposed Washington County Ordinance is under discussion that would amend the Community Development Code (CDC) to address changes in state law that the County must implement to allow cider businesses and farm breweries and associated activities in exclusive farm use districts (EFU and AF-20). The ordinance also proposes minor amendments to accommodate the added uses.
For Planning Commission registration and contact information, please visit the Planning Commission webpage. For Board registration instructions and contact information, please visit the How to Testify webpage.