CPO News March 2022

cornell project map

March CPO 1 meeting

Tuesday, March 8, 7 pm via zoom

We continue to meet virtually, and currently don’t have plans to resume in-person meetings. We have found that many more neighbors are able to join us online, since they don’t have to worry about childcare, weather, or germs. It’s also easier to get good guests, since they don’t have to give up a whole evening to join us for a segment.

We apologize to those who prefer in-person meetings, we may find a way to do “hybrid” meetings at some point, but please try to find a way to “zoom” into our sessions! They are fun and lively and full of information!


After a few announcements, we’ll begin with a look at the big Cornell Road project. Cornell Road, between 102nd and 113th avenues, is being widened to include a center turn lane and traffic signal, bike lanes and sidewalks. Ben Lively, Senior Project Manager, will provide an update on the project, including the construction schedule, access to homes, businesses, and Cedar Mill Elementary School.

Then we’ll hear from our Service Providers, including Beaverton School District, the Sheriff’s Office, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation, and possibly more.

Metro Councilor Juan Carlos Gonzalez

Our Metro Councilor Juan Carlos Rodriguez will join us around 8:30 with a Metro update and a chance to learn more about what the multi-county agency does for us.

Pacific Office Automation

Community Participation Organization 1 (CPO 1), covering Cedar Mill, Cedar Hills, and Bonny Slope, is a volunteer-run program to address land use, transportation, development, and many other quality-of-life issues. We help neighbors understand the land use process and provide a connection to people from around the county who provide services and information. Our meetings are open to anyone, although only members can vote. Sign up to get your mailed or emailed notices and you too will be a member!

Click the zoom link above to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. Last month we began live-streaming and recording on YouTube, but you can watch previous meetings on our Facebook page here. And please “subscribe” to our YouTube Channel! We can’t get a “real name” until we have 100 subscribers!

Neighborhood Meetings

We didn’t receive notice for any Neighborhood Meetings this month. If anything comes in after we publish, we’ll post it on our Facebook page.

Lee Street proposed development

An in-person meeting was held on February 2 to discuss a three-parcel partition for this lot in the R-5 zone. Neighbors were concerned that smaller houses will affect the character of the older View Gardens neighborhood and violate the CC&Rs of the HOA. Hearing the neighbors’ concerns, the developer may reduce the requested partition to two lots. Another Neighborhood Meeting will be held if that is the case, but we haven’t been notified of that.

Damascus Street three-lot development

A meeting was held on February 4 to present a revised plan that would eliminate one of the original four lots and preserve more of the trees and natural area. It was met with approval from the neighbors, although there were concerns about construction traffic.

Development Applications

Applications were received for two controversial developments in Cedar Mill. These are formal applications that have been deemed complete by WashCo Land Use and Transportation (LUT) and are currently under consideration.

Estates at Leahy Park proposes to build 15 homes on an eight-acre property on the north side of Leahy Road near 107th. There is a stream running through the property, and the southern end is proposed to be set aside as a natural area. Local conservation groups are concerned that the development violates state rules about Significant Natural Resources, and that the proposed wetland mitigation is not adequate. CPO 1 submitted a letter opposing the development in its current form because of those concerns and irregularities in the neighborhood meeting process.

Washington County is still under a remand from the State Land Use Board of Appeals because their policy, SNR 869, and their Habitat Assessment Guidelines were not clear and objective. The county must approve an application (or risk a lawsuit) if it doesn’t violate specific LUT requirements, though, and it’s unclear if such findings will be made.

Thompson Crossing is a proposed 10-lot subdivision of semi-detached dwellings near the water tower on Thompson west of Hibbard. Neighbors are concerned that the outlet on Thompson will further endanger traffic on this sloping curve with poor sight distance. CPO 1 sent a letter of comment on this development. Read it here.

The lot plan for Thompson Crossing
The lot plan for Thompson Crossing

The Biggi family of Beaverton owns the lot. It was long assumed that the county would straighten Thompson at this location, since it’s a “minor arterial” and needs to be brought up to standards—three lanes with curbs, sidewalks, and bike lanes. An addendum providing additional information about the natural areas on the site was submitted in late February.

Neighbors have created a website to share information and gather comments, which are due to the county by March 11. Visit the “Comment on a Project” page on the county website and find Casefile L2100351 to submit your comments.

February meeting summary

By Vicky Siah

Virginia Bruce started the February CPO 1 meeting with an Acknowledgement that we live on Kalapuya Land before service providers delivered their monthly updates.

Brenda Schaffer of the Sheriff’s Office introduced the current model for neighborhood watches—they are focusing on improving sheriff-neighbor relationships, teaching people to identify suspicious activity, and educating neighborhoods about available resources. Additionally, Schaffer encourages everyone to lock car doors. Thieves may take letters instead of valuables, Schaffer says, to steal identities. If residents see suspicious activity or are the victim of a crime, they should report it to the Sheriff’s Office.

Andrea Watson from Tualatin Valley Water spoke about Earthquake Preparation Month. “Please do your part and prepare your home and place of business,” Watson said. Each location should store 14 gallons of water per person, and households should store extra to account for plants or pets. When the earthquake hits, power will be restored first. Residents should expect to go weeks or months without water.

THPRD’s Brian Yourstone announced that THPRD Spring Registration starts on Saturday, February 26 for classes running March to June. Furthermore, THPRD is looking for maintenance workers, conducting their Spring Native Plant Sale, and building a dog run at Ridgewood Park. 

Neighbors Against Bethany Gas Station are opposing the gas station proposal at West Union. They presented a letter to CPO 1, which passed with 20 affirmatives, 4 abstentions, and 0 opposed. This letter can be found on their webpage.

Vice Chair Bruce Bartlett introduced the County’s recycling policies and the meeting’s recycling focus. Following Bartlett, a panel of recycling-related presenters discussed their efforts:

Ridwell’s Caleb Weaver discussed the Ridwell lawsuit (as well as Ridwell’s purpose). Ridwell began as a father-son project in January 2021, offering services in Seattle and Portland before bringing it to  Washington County. They operate on a membership basis and allow members to recycle items that the County haulers do not collect in curbside bins. However, in January 2022, the County ordered Ridwell to stop services. In response, Ridwell filed a lawsuit.

Robin Carpenter represented the Master Recyclers program, explaining how her “shopping and purchases are guided by the packaging.” Carpenter described which items can be recycled and how to properly recycle them.

Jessica Zahn (a graduate of the Master Recyclers Program) serves as the Board Secretary of Waste Free Advocates, a citizen-based group dedicated to zero-waste, led by an elected Board of Directors comprised of solid waste professionals, policy activists, local business people, and zero-waste enthusiasts. The group is fairly new and hasn’t yet finished their website. It grew out of Recycling Advocates, the organization that brought about Oregon’s original “bottle bill.”

Lastly, Jessica Fong of Sunset Climate Change Club briefly described the club’s activities and promoted their next recycling drive.

Watch the February meeting on our YouTube Channel. Subscribe to get updates!


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