CMN Community Calendar

Cindy Schaufenbuel has been faithfully updating our Community Calendar since 2019. She and her family are moving to the Seattle area soon, so it’s time to recruit a new helper.
She described her work in the December 2022 issue this way, “Updating the online calendar has been a great way for me to learn about local happenings. Of course, that has led me to join some of those groups, events, and programs, hosted by the Cedar Mill Library, the Tualatin Valley Soil and Conservation District, the Farmer’s Market, and others. Since I comb through the website to find events to add, I read the entire CMN every month and have learned a lot about local planning, businesses, history, and all the other news.”

So please consider if this might be right for you! You need basic computer skills to copy and paste event information into our Google Calendar, and the ability to do it shortly after each issue is published online, during the first week of every month. Cindy is willing to help you get started.
If this sounds like something you would like to do, please get in touch at