CPO News September 2021

CPO Meeting
Tuesday, September 14, 7 pm, via zoom
As usual, we’ll start with an open mic and community briefings by service providers as they are available: Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO); Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD); Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue (TVF&R); and Beaverton School District (BSD). The public is welcome to share information about what’s happening in their neighborhoods.

7:30 pm: Redistricting: A Rep of our own?
CPO 1 Co-Chair Virginia Bruce will discuss the process underway now to redraw State and Federal representation districts based on the information from the 2020 census. Currently residents “north of 26,” have four separate Oregon State Representatives, each of which also represents areas with very different situations: some are in cities, some are in different counties!
Maps proposed by legislative committees were posted on September 3. View them here.
7:45 pm: Hit the trails in CPO 1!
THPRD Nature & Trails staff will present information about current habitat projects, Early Detection/Rapid Response weeds, trails, and wildlife information for the greater Cedar Mill area. The presentation will be about 15 minutes. Questions are welcome.
Presented by Crystal Durbecq, Nature & Trails Specialist, and Sebastian Ford the ranger in our area.
8:15 pm: Middle Housing: what does it mean, how will it be implemented
Anne Kelly, Washington County LUT Senior Planner, will connect with CPO 1 members about County implementation of the middle housing bill (House Bill 2001) and how it can increase housing variety to help meet people’s needs.
8:45 pm Open mic, community comments, adjourn.
Neighborhood Meetings
Catlin Gabel School Master Plan

A Neighborhood Meeting was held on August 28 to discuss the school’s Master Plan, and more specifically the new planned entrance to the campus on Leahy Road that will provide access to the new proposed athletic facility. Funds will be raised over the coming years to complete all the planned improvements, but they need to submit the plan to the county before proceeding. Separate Development Applications will be submitted for each phase of development. Demolition and remodeling of some of the buildings of the former Oregon College of Art & Craft campus that was added to the Catlin campus are currently underway.
Estates at Leahy Park

meeting. This new image better illustrates the preserved
natural areas.
A second neighborhood meeting was held on August 9 for this proposed development. Westwood Homes is proposing to divide the approximately eight-acre property into 15 lots. One house on Tax Lot 2400 will remain. Tract A is a Significant Natural Resource area containing a stream, and it will be enhanced with removal of invasive plants and native plant restoration, to be brought up to Clean Water Services “good” condition.
Neighbors are concerned about the trees that will be cut to make way for homes. Most developers prefer to start with a “clean slate” when creating a new subdivision for reasons of efficiency. Until Washington County changes its regulations about tree protection developers have little incentive to preserve trees. For more information about efforts to preserve trees, see the Treekeepers NW item in Community News.